The band formed in September of '06 after the break up of punk band 7th State. Using all the different musical tastes that we have, from screamo to ska to metal, we want to create something different, something unique, and something we can all agree on.
A Hero is someone that makes a lasting impression on many people's lives and more times than not their last words are remembered to strengthen their legacy. All the members in our band believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord. He is our personal Hero and our prayer is that we would strive to reflect an image of Him. We don't want to be a a part of a trend, and we don't want to be a part of a scene, we want to touch people through our love for God. We hope that if you interact with us either at a show or just hanging out with us away from the music, that you would see something different in our lives. God gave us all that we have and we formed this band to give back to Him through our music and daily lives. ---
---We want to thank each and everyone of you guys for praying for us, coming to the shows, buying the cd, or just sendin us some love through comments or messages. keep an eye out for us individuals in the future! God isnt done with us. Once again thank you for everything and may you all be Blessed beyond imagination. Look to God always and He will make your paths straight. love you all