~~~hot news~~~your news*~* news_-_it's the news:,.;totally breaking news+top news][}newer news++°news to go+++news for you '_'hot news²³²your new`s~´n
ewsflashingnews^/totally breaking news,_:top news!!!ewer news_~°news to go°*_news for you ~_~hot news...our news=~+ news_:;flashing news~~~totally awesome news_`~top news°^°newer news}{°news to go + news for you ~..}
HCF14 Jichael Mackson - Baff
A Schnurz
B Piepe
HCF13 Ralph Sliwinski - Maggizahn
A Maggizahn
B1 Thatz in my Brain
B2 Dope Doreen
HCF11 Various - This could maybe hartchef as well
A1 Tom Ellis - Harness
A2 Hugo - Minisalatini
B1 Moritz Piske - Geld
B2 H.R. Schneider - Wackbock
guillaume & the coutu dumonts - my main man
HCF12 Guillaume & The Coutu Dumonts - My Main Man
A1 My Main Man (flying filter edit)
B1 unisex
B2 My Main Man feat. Patrick watson
+++unbreaking news+++no breaking news at all+++older news+++braking news+++unbreaking news+++no breaking news at all++~older news+++braking news+++unbreaking news+++no breaking news at all+++older news+++braking news+*+unbreaking news+++no actual news at all+++much more older news+++breaking nephews++braking fews...cold news---not that biene++++
out 02.02.2007 on double vinyl
Various - This Is Hartchef
Listen to:
A1 Frank West - The Message
A2 Ido Oshkopun - Teacher
B1 Guillaume & the Coutu Dumonts - A Third Nut
B2 Fahone People - tesrt_27
C1 Audio Werner - Libzs
C2 Ralph Sliwinski - Mini Glimm
D1 Picoteque - Limelight
D2 Pit Drängler - I'm Back
img src="http://home.interlink.or.jp/~tsark/genura/anniversary/n -ele-ani.gif"