Sword Fighting Martial Arts
What Anime are You?
You don't take shit from anyone, and your concentrated-badass attitude should tell everyone that right from the start. You have your own style and way of doing things, and rarely do you let others cramp it. While you have a tough exterior, moments of remarkable meaningfullness and understanding can often be found with you.
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I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^
Name: Genji Muramo
Likes: Honour Love Freinds My Wife
Dislikes: Being Heart Broken
Owner: Bradee Aaron Staton href=http://petpages.neopets.com/~Shotgun_Souphere to adopt your own Naruto chibi! graphics.net/pub/84/84562mcd9blmgti.jpg'); background-attachment: scroll; background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color: transparent; }
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What type of hero would you be?
Dark Hero
You are a dark hero. Your name is whispered instead of shouted, and for a good reason! You are hard on yourself and likely have a dark past, or perhaps you seek forgiveness for an ancient wrong you seek to set right. In any case, your tales are are filled with vengeance, loss of innocence and a uniquely personal kind of justice. These aside, your good intentions still make you a hero, despite whatever means you use to achieve your ends. On the positive side, you are quite badass.
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