Justin Foxchase is male Justin Foxchase is a Wolf Other forms Justin Foxchase changes in to are: Canid - Fox Justin Foxchase is 6'1 feet tall Justin Foxchase is normal sized, weighing in at 218 pounds Justin Foxchase's tail is 4'5 feet long Justin Foxchase is 19 years old Justin Foxchase is looking for a mate Justin Foxchase likes hugs and gives and and recieves them often Justin Foxchase can use magic VERY well. Justin Foxchase really doesn't know how to do anything psychic at all... Justin Foxchase's skin is furry
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Proud Wolf Furry
Furry is Life
You scored as You are Furry!!!, Well your a furry it seem, person that likes animals and wouldn't mind being one. In case, your welcome to the group of furs, or know as arthro. So just take that paw and tail and find other fur like yourself and make sure a happy day to that new life you will lead as a animal. Google "furry"
You are Furry!!!
Well you care for animals
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