I am the owner of a small african country where i rule a bunch of starving people. I dont let them eat unless they swear allegence to me and kiss my only remaining testicle. I have made being white a crime and thinks that everything that goes wrong is Blairs fault. Despite being the ugliest bastard in the world i can still shag whoever i like because all i have to do is tell my militia to get me some minge and they do it. I like eating poo cos it gives me a lovely chocolate complexion. Then i smear it all over my face and make my ministers lick it off.
My Interests
murder, rape, famine,dictatorship,rigging elections, my 15 year old war vets.
I'd like to meet:
i dont wanna meet anyone cos i owe everyone money and i will just get beaten up.
hitler, saddam, pol pot, non whites who lick poo off my face...