Well I am amazingly fascinated with myself. *end ego* Suppose the normal bullshit between Music to well the oh so nerdy Yahoo chatting and such.
If I could meet anyone probably would have to pick Colt Ceavers, being named after someone and meeting them would be well a learning experience plus he is The Fall Guy...
I don't even want to bother listing all the good music I am just a fan of EXTREMELY lame music and basically ignore genres and just like good music. If you really cared you could go on Soulseek and just message or add Spork Pirate and once I add you feel free to rape my collection.
Cube, Cube 2 : Hypercube, Equilibrium, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Big Fish, Peter Pan, Snatch, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, 25th Hour, Dark Crystal, Memento, Hannibal, Big Lebowski, A Clockwork Orange, Resevoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol 1 (haven't seen 2), Goonies, and god knows what else is in my collection.
Don't watch much TV but Who's Line Is It Anyways, Simpsons, Invader Zim, Chalkzone, Mario Bros., Zelda (Yes I know the last 2 are games but the shows still kick ass so fuck off), that would probably it I figure there is some I forgot oh ya Dead Like Me. -fin
The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, Diary, Fight Club, Jennifer Government, Anita Blake series, Invisible Monsters, American Psycho, Fear and Loathing volumes, Hunter S Thompson biography by Paul Steed, and again I am too lazy to list the amount of books I like since I read an unhealthy amount.
Link, and Voodoo Vince.