Bleak Hazard profile picture

Bleak Hazard

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey, I'm Bleak Hazard, and you can call me Bleak.
I don't think it makes me cool to go by that name, but I use it to mark a change from the old me to the new. I'm fascinated by transitions and will never throw away a piece of work or a memento that connects me to a past state. I love to look back on old times and see how much things have changed. I'm somewhat obsessed with photos and pieces of writing, and have discovered that if I ever kill someone, my mementos will probably serve as evidence that I am criminally insane - uh oh! O_O
I'm a highly creative person, and draw inspiration from my emotions and experiences. Some people write to relieve stress or vent, and I draw or animate. Being able to create the artificial realities in my art takes the pressure off the realisation that there are just some things in life that cannot be changed. If I can't do it in the flesh, I'll do it on screen.
I can be a lot of different things, to different people, and tend to moderate myself according to what's acceptable in any given situation. If you were to know me as I am in my purest, truest form, chances are you wouldn't feel comfortable around me. My real self often comes out in the substances I ingest, and sometimes I scare people off a bit. If I ever say or do something to freak you out, I probably don't mean to, and I can assure you that I mean well.
My vision of an ideal world is one where you can act on your urges, say whatever crosses your mind, and be yourself without being discriminated against. I hate sexual tension, and love it when people are forward with me. That said, I don't like sleazes who just outright say they want to get into your pants, unless of course they're smoking hot like the fires of Hell, but they never are.
I like girls, boys, and everything between. I am a very open and accepting person because I know how good it feels to be truthful with a person and not have them throw it back in your face. There is very little that will turn me away from someone, unless they try to hurt me.
I'm sick, sensitive, masculine, feminine, sexual, insecure, misogynistic, and in love with the female form.
Try me - you'll be surprised.

My Interests

..[Creation, destruction, facial obscurity, disgust] [Blood, killers, psychos, vore, the mentally disturbed] [Music, Movies, fashion, computers, gaming, singing, drawing, animation] [Art - H.R. Giger, James Gleeson, Luis Royo, Mark Ryden, Rachael Huntington] [Clubbing, friends, goths, rivets, boys, girls] [TENTICLES!!] [ Gas masks , checkerplate, the biohazard symbol, hazard stripes, and all things industrial!]

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with something interesting to say. I'm currently on a mission to find someone as much like me as possible. Call me self-absorbed, narcissistic, whatever... I probably am!
I want to be able to relate to someone, share my innermost thoughts and feelings, and be agreed with. If you think I seem nice or interesting, whatever, don't hesitate to say hi. Even if I seem unapproachable, I can assure you, I'm not. As a matter of fact, a kind word from a stranger never ceases to make my day.


..Angelspit, Apocalyptica, Apoptygma Berzerk, Assemblage 23, The Bloodhound Gang, Combichrist , Covenant, Disturbed, DJ Scotch Egg, Fear Factory, Heimataerde, Icon of Coil, KMFDM, KoRn, Marilyn Manson, Mindless Self Indulgence, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, Skinny Puppy, Slipknot, Suicide Commando, System of a Down, :wumpscut:


..Alien vs. Predator, American History X, Bad Boy Bubby, Beetlejuice, The Butterfly Effect, The Cell, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, The Fifth Element, The Frighteners , Hannibal Rising, Hostel 1 & 2, Little Nicky, The Matrix, May, The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Passion of the Christ, Queen of the Damned, Romper Stomper, Silence of the Lambs, Silent Hill, Twelve Monkeys, Urotsukidoji, Watership Down, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?


..Is shit, get DVDs! Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Cartoons , CSI, Daria, Dexter, Family Guy, Futurama, Happy Tree Friends and Friends, Hard Gay, Invader Zim, Metalocalypse, Ren & Stimpy, The Simpsons, Southpark


..I don't read much, but I have a few favourites, such as Poppy Z. Brite's books, especially Exquisite Corpse. I love Johnny the Homicidal Maniac ; I swear he's my soulmate. I'm a very fussy reader, but anything I can relate to usually grabs me. For a bit of trivia, my favourite book in primary school was called "Johnny Casanova, the unstoppable Sex Machine"!


..American McGee's Alice, Frank the Bunny, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Maggie Gyllenhaal, May, Pyramid Head , Tim Burton. Is it bad that the majority of my heroes are fictional characters? o_O

.. ..

My Blog

Obscure thought processes

Did it ever occur to you that someone you see on a regular basis could be completely different to how you percieve them? You might look at someone and think they’re pretty, but really they hate ...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 02:32:00 PST

Bleak has gone mad with madness...

I went to see Horton Hears a Who today for Kendra day, and ended up crying through the whole tail end of the movie! Who’d have thought that something so silly and childish could have such seriou...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 01:05:00 PST

Drinking never helps...

No matter how much sobriety sucks, if you drink to drown your sorrows, they will come back and get you. Unless you’re getting some, or making a dick of yourself. But I’m doing neither. I&r...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 09:10:00 PST

History repeats itself...

Up and down like a fucking rollercoaster - welcome to my life. I thought everything would be fine, and maybe it would be if I didn't have the burden of uni on my shoulders. I would have the time to ge...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 10:09:00 PST

Circa Nocturna and the afterparty at DV8

I popped my Circa Nocturna cherry on Saturday, and it was great! I was thrilled at getting to see another angle-grinding performance, and I am determined to get into it myself some day. Sooo hot! Then...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 11:25:00 PST

It’s that time of the year again...

Hooray, it's that time of the year again where school starts and the destitute uni students give up their free time and sanity. I'm starting uni again at the end of the month and I've only just realis...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 04:32:00 PST

My Family vs. the Internet

Tell me you don't think this is completely ass-backwards.My 15-year-old brother, Dante is a gamer. He sits at his computer for the majority of the day playing some online game or another. It used to b...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 01:27:00 PST

Finally, the epiphany Ive been waiting for!

For the first time in I don't know how long, I'm actually happy. I forgot what it felt like, it's almost like being on drugs! There's completely nothing weighing me down, because I think for once I mi...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 06:08:00 PST

Why I hide my friends and comments

Alright, I promised that I wouldn't get all angsty and shit on MySpace anymore, so I'm just going to calmly mention something that has always been an issue for me. If you want to be/stay my friend, I ...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:14:00 PST


Well, hawtest celbrity man on Earth.Tee hee!It's Rutger Hauer, (Roy in Blade Runner). God that man is gifted... you know I wouldn't be surprised if he was genetically engineered.Eye candy:Mmm. Yummy! ...
Posted by Bleak Hazard on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:38:00 PST