Jeoff AKA The Music Snob profile picture

Jeoff AKA The Music Snob

My Interests


You wont like my music no one ever does its either too trendy or not trendy enough My music will never be good enough for you But Music and God are all i'v got I want something i can truly rock to Hard Soft Light Heavy Fast Slow Acoustic Electric Indie Hardcore Punk Classic Rap Rock my main thing is i want true emotion in my music i want to feel the joy,pain,ect. I like everything i like and if you dont like that... TOO BAD!


I love movies like Elizabeth Town, Closer, Eternall Sunshine For The Spotless Mind, Cruel Intentions, High Fidelity, School of Rock, Life Aquatic, Lost in Translation, Royal Tenanbaums, Rushmore, any other Bill Murray or Wes Anderson film, Pulp Fiction, and What Dreams May Come is also amazing


1. The Bible 2. Blue Like Jazz 3. The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower


My Mother and Father Dale Brown Elizabeth Brown 3