We are commonly known as THREMDSK. But, if you look at us in the music industry, we are called U.I.D! UNTITLED IN DISGUISE!!!
Sept. 2003 - Being inspired by so many various kinds of music, THREMDSK (a.k.a. UID) planned to create their own music. A wide variety is present in the album they're creating. Fate awaits...Oct. 2003 - THREMDSK starts thinking what name they will give to their band. Proposition 1 - THREMDSK - too common; Proposition 2 - Untitled - Yeah, nice one. But it needs more detail. Comment - We want something more paradox. A bit of mystery will reveal our passion. Proposition 4 - UNTITLED IN DISGUISE.Oct. 09, 2003, Thursday - Thus, Untitled In Disguise was born. Made up of 8 members, Torment, Hazard, Rascal, Ember, Might, Dude, Seer and Kinetic - team up together this time to promote music and not just flicks!*First album - Dominant and Dauntless
Well, wanna contact us? Through Harriett Radcliffe, you will!!! Add [email protected] and get it rollin'!!!