<Miss Piggy> profile picture

&lt;Miss Piggy&gt;

Have a break,Have a mykee!

About Me

Yes,I have a twin!He is my other half.without him life would suck!

You will NEVER know what is is like to walk in my shoes.Nor would you like to find out.. my grama just died... You know what is more mortifying than anything in the world ..to be holding someones hand and they just stop breathing

I am very simple person to understand. I don't want to speak to fake people. I will love a person for who they are before I would love their actions.
You have to learn to love yourself before you can love another.That is how I see things simpliy. I love my self as well as I love others. I am the type who cannot pass a mirror without glancing at myself.I love who I am and who I have become.
I hate when people tell me i'm wrong. I feel I always have to be right.Simple as that. You can tell me no different. No matter what you say ... I will ALWAYS be the correct one. my grammar is better than yours,my motivation and my self respect.
Selfish I am very selfish I hate people touching things that aren't theirs.. especially if the property belongs to me, such as my husband or wife.. I would kill for them or over them.
Blunt I am also very blunt. I feel honesty is a very important quallity in a person. If you can't be honest then don't speak to me because I loath liars.There is no reason that a person can not be fully honest.. If you are a liar that means you have something to hide. and if you are hiding things then you obviously aren't real. because real people are upfront.
If you have a banner and would like it posted send it to me and I would be happy to post it for you. I love friends if you would like to be my friend and i'm sure I will add you..unless you are crude to me. As well as I love pic comments so post me some like they are going out of style please and thank you. I will repost back.
The best hugs..are left with unspoken words and an unstable mind.
reuniting with the love of your life.
bringing tears to your throat.
while your body collapses in their arms.

My Interests

comment box by avlays

I'd like to meet:

img src="http://www.doobix.com/images/dbx_codes.gif" alt="Myspace Codes" border="0" /img src="http://www.doobix.com/images/dbx_codes.gif" alt="Myspace Codes" border="0" / I edited my profile at
Myspace Layouts


The only meaningful people in my life.you got beef then step up get beat down!


My johnny.
he is the best ever
he makes me smile all the time
and he makes me all giggly
I stay up until way undecent times talking to him.
nothing about him is wrong.
he likes me for me
he makes me weak at my words
he is making me fall hard and fast
he is so perfect


this is my naynay.
just thinking about him makes me smile so big my cheeks hurt
his voice makes me melt.
I can't stand the thought of him being so far away.
he makes me all quiet and shy
he causes my hearts break downs
I love him soso much.


This is my syd
He is the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for
we get hella boss
and we hardcore dance in the middle of the street.
I miss him more that anything
he is what make me look forward to that next weekend to be here
love ya brah!


This is MY tbear.
he is so wonderful.
he says all the right things when I need it the most
I look forward to talking to him everyday
he makes everything all better
and makes me realize how stupid I am sometimes.
::cough cough::
he is the best ever!
it is awsome.