I obviously have a bit of a thing with photography, its not so much taking the image, but what you can do with it afterwards that interests me...I'm actually a fan of the journey of reproduction...
People who like a laugh, I always like a laugh..and i'm afraid i find myself shying away from the pretntious which can act as a slight hinderence where my career is involved...I want to have fun and putting people down doesn't even make the list!
anything and everything ...as long as its in the right place. From Sinatra to Slip Knot...Chocolate star fish to bob sinclaire, hecienda to sissor sisters.
Sin city and stuff that confuses me and makes me think to the bitter end...
There's so much different stuff on these days i find myself watching something different every time i turn the tv on....although i still find myself chuckling at the old classics such as Only fools and Horses, Faulty Towers.....although i also will be over the moon is i catch peep show or the mighty Boosh.
a child called 'it' made me cry once...thats quite sad of me really!
Sir David Attenborough's camera men....nuf said!