Little Dana's Mommi profile picture

Little Dana's Mommi

Just another girl that wants to rule the world.......

About Me

I have all of Little Dana's stuffed animals & childhood trophies in my store room. When the apopcalypse comes & I need money, they will all be auctioned off on eBay. Including the My Little Ponies & their barn. Oh Yeah.

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My Interests

Little Dana and The Genius Tool (of course!) Art, Music, Design, Photography, Tao, Martial Arts, iPod, the beach, and oddly enough, DIY home remodeling

I'd like to meet:



Extremely diverse - people who browse my iPod think I've got multiple personality disorder. Currently, very amused by the renderings of Jonathan Coulton, wise ass singer/songwriter obsessed with robots & zombies. How can you not love that? Favorites - Cake, Talking Heads, Elvis Costello, Jason Mraz, Clash, U2, Peter Gabriel, Frank Black, STP, INXS, Frou Frou, They Might Be Giants, Shins, Killers, Matt Pond PA, David Bowie, Coldplay, Sting,..... endless list


Johnny Depp is my secret crush. I'll even watch a crappy steven king movie if he's in it. Pirates Rule. But seriously, I love good story telling with a subtle sub text, so: American Beauty, Garden State, Brokeback Mountain, LA Confidential, Capote; and Sci-Fi movies.


I have a serious reality TV monkey on my back. Serious. Survivor, Amazing Race, Project Runway, Rock Star, Surreal Life, Apprentice, Big Brother, Hell's Kitchen.... I am truly, truly sick......


Cook books


My Kids. Smart, Funny, Gorgeous, Independent, Ultra cool, Brave, Talented in oh-so-many-ways, both of them a Total Package each. Awesome people.

My Blog

Your response to Dana's fire blogs......

First,  for the true friends, fans and supporters  Massive hugs to all of you and thanks for getting it! Whether support comes in the form of cash, clothes, shoes, gift cards, household goods, ...
Posted by Little Dana's Mommi on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 12:25:00 PST

Meet Dana's Mommi

I find it amusing that Dana is participating in a project called "Girls Lie". Because she doesn't. You have never met a more straight up, dead on, in you face person than Dana. If Dana tells...
Posted by Little Dana's Mommi on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 10:00:00 PST