Chin Finnigan profile picture

Chin Finnigan


About Me

Je suis allé au-dessus de la colline observer le reste du lever de soleil.." uY29t" target="_blank"ive relised a lot of shit since i finished school, even more in the past two months. i cant stand people who have an opinion thats so strong that they cant even listen to others peoples opinions and further more cant respect them. i think respect of other peoples beliefs is one the most important things people should do. by all means have an opinion but be open minded. i love a good argument. dr phil shits me. i couldnt live without music, i may not listen to a wide range but i love the stuff i do listen to. i can be childish but im not naive. i hate be treated like a kid. i love my job/s. i couldnt live without my friends. i get excited by the smallest things. i hate people getting the wrong idea about me. im an over analyser. ive relised lately i can hate saying things twice to people who dont try to listen. i want to travel more. i want to be able to fly. day dreaming is good, reality can be good. i like meeting new people. i try to play guitar. i dont understand some people and it really annoys me. i like to read. i like in depth conversations. im jealous of people with great literature skills and who are creative with words. i love photography, nothing excitemnt me more then making a new and creative piece of artwork that people like and more importantly i like. i love thoughtful and nice people. people who can laugh. clouds amaze me. i can be odd and weird sometimes. little things that happen can really annoy me, shit i dont think should happen, for example ur walking home theres no cars or traffic n u come to a road that intersects the one ur walking on and a car pulls up n u have to wait...WHAT THE FUCK!!!!! the only car u see all night n u practically collide with it. i love playing poker. house parties can be so much better then clubs n pubs but sometimes a good drunken dance cant be beaten. public transport inspectors shit me, so do taxis. i dont think karma is real. theres a lot to me that people dont know and even i dont know. rude people shit me, people who ask for big alterations to the menu can fuck off, sure if u dont want a sauce that fine, but if ask for something with this side veg instead of that side veg with this n that etc etc bla bla, why the hell did u ask for a menu go home and cook it urself. i use this a metaphor for a lot of differnt shit. i dont mind and sometimes like doing favour for people but when people abuse that i get angry. i can get angry easily but i almost always bottle up my emotions. i confide in a few. lately ive been thinking wat the fuck why not, i would love to run away and do something wild and extreme but everytime i think about it reality pulls me back, but i like to think that one day it wont stop me but for know its only holding me back. i constantly think about things i do n the affect it has on peoples view on me, its a bad habit im trying to rid myself of. i dont think i meant to write this muchbut if i think of any more ill try and remeber to add it...
adopt your own virtual pet!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.1
adopt your own virtual pet!Je souhaite que je pourrais apprendre juste un peu du Français

My Interests

music...i love photography im putting a few pics up soon if u wanna have a squizz...n stuffs cool.....i didnt edit my myspace RUTH did n i got NOOOOO idea wats going on

I'd like to meet:

anyone but.....u...hahah lol nah nice people :) ahhhh COP THAT GERARD...ahhh shit!

adopt your own virtual pet!.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
Cyanide & Happiness @

'What will your obituary say?' at
Cyanide & Happiness @


coldplay, damien rice, turin brakes, elliott smith, kings of leon, sigor-ros, youthgroup, sean ainsworth, the pyramids, the fearless vampire killers, maxwell jump, tapegun, radiohead, blur, evermore r allright, the beatles, bloc party, the vines, bernard fanning, powderfinger, bob dylan, counting crows, gorillaz, jeff buckley, john butler trio, louis XIV, missy higgins, pink floyd, the strokes, the waifs, the who, oh mercy(bluebird), J.Hawks and the muddy amps, wolfmother...n much more


hmmmm, life as a house, theres a few but i cant think right now...fear n loathing in las vegas...detroit rock city, the crow, human traffic, star wars freak pretty much, underworld etc, elephant, 300, independence day, 28 days later


hmmm LOST, scrubs, prison break, boston legal rocks my socks off


fear n loathing in las vegas, the game ;), animal farm
