going back to school, w hotel, fackebooking with jennifer rodriquez, and restoring my soon to b 68 camaro ss.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
someone who is brutally honest and loves surprising me. someone who believes that love is a slight chance between two people and keeping that is very important in life. what is life without love? -gerard My Chemical Romance -danny from West Coast Customs
v for vendetta
i typically dont like reading fiction books, i rather enjoy books where i learn about fact, as opposed to lessons, because they dont mean much to me anymore these days.
my parents for putting up with me during my horrible teenage years, my brother for attempting to teach me so much, my sister for still getting strait As in advanced math and still finding time to sneak out at night to see her friends. My buddy teague for always bein there and for sticking up to and putting up with most of the phonies and assholes in PV. Eva- for showing me what women exactly SHOULDN'T be. thanks for the experience, you tought me a lot about following my instinct.
o and this guy cause hes awesome!: