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Welcome to my humble home, traveler!

Once again, welcome, friend, and stay as long as you like. You know, there are some values I feel are missing out there: Love, Compassion, Honour, Friendship, Loyalty... ..yes they exist, but I feel that for many, they do not have the highest priority. Or some priority, but then - when it suits - it seems like it is okay to temporarily abandon these values... Me, I am looking for people who cherish these words, and try to uphold a certain standard. How about you? How can we change a world that certainly is doomed to fail, if each and everyone takes care of their own little world ONLY. I mean, of course we should take the greatest care of our own sphere, the world we have around us, but the sphere has to be transparent, so we can have a look out there. And to reach out a helping hand. To keep ones own integrity and to choose to help, because it is the right thing to do. And even if most of us can not change the world, each of us that can help and bring joy and happiness around us, has in some way changed the world. If nothing else, at least you can change someones world ;-)Of course, each of us are human, and each of us has a mixture of Light and Dark, and sometimes we WILL be in a bad mood or being down or even down right nasty!...but hey, there is someone who CAN help - and in your heart and soul - never forget to strive for Good. It is in the moments of true hardship that our character really showsAnd when it comes to meeting people: I do not care WHAT you are, but of WHO you are.Anyway: I have this feeling that there is something Great out there, something Beautiful and extremely Wonderful. Its there and I can get glimpses of it... (more in my blog)What else..? I do believe that there are very few things that comes for free in this life. If you want to get somewhere, you are the one that can reach that goal. If you are up to it!Well, some more words about me... I am a "fighter", and very persistent. I seldome give up when trying to attain a goal, but the work I do along the road I try to do with perfection.And yes, very Romatic indeed. I do beleive in Love. And to take care of each other. I would call myself (by choice) a realistic romantic. As a person I am full of feelings, but very calm (okay, not on the dancefloor, admitted :) ), steady and very affectionate. I am not afraid of showing my feelings..I mean, why let other peoples standard dictate your own? Of course, consideration should always be taken, but I try not to let other peoples values be pushed up on me. Admittedly, I *really* dislike being in a situation of embarassment, and I do not like to make a fool of myself...And, well, sometimes I can actually avoid doing a thing if it can put me in such a situation! *Rolling eyes at myself, laughing* As everyone I can become a thunderstorm, but it passes just as quickly, and I am normally a very optimistic person, and I like to smile. And yes, I truly believe that the Inner Child should be a part of "you", and not shut away. Maybe thats one of the reasons why I get along so fantastic with my wonderful Daughter?!By the way: The background music will start, be patient... :)My greatest Love is my Daughter and my Wife (who is a real Hero-ine). I'll tell you one thing I feel! Get a "real" life before getting children, do ALL sorts of nice things (travelling, getting nice - or sometimes less then nice - experiences, then you can give your children the best of your experiences..and you have also lived a greeeeat life WITH ONLY your Love,and you know you work out fine :) Then go on and just Love your children as well as continuing with that great life, but in a very different way than "before". Of course, this was our choice, and each and everyone of you has your own experiences and your own way of thinking, but it has worked out fine for us! Yes, life changes completely after children, but its the most wonderful, fantastic, incredible thing YOU WILL EVER GET, so TAKE CARE OF THEM. And get them when YOU feel its right.And another thing: I love the Sea, Ocean, the sounds of Seagulls crying out....and the feel of the wind...I guess you know what I mean? :)ENJOY LIFE. Why? Because the only things that are constant in this life are Changes and Death. And stop worrying in advance, it is like paying interest on something that might never occur! Worrying is not the same as planning ahead though. Just do not plan so much ahead that you forget to live ;-)Take the quiz:
You're an Angel of....

You're an Angel of the Heavens (Light)
An Angel of the Heavens, you watch over the world from above never coming down to earth. You are very beauiful and elegent, not to mention very wise but also vain. You don't really interfer with the lives of humans physically, you just let fate and destiny run its course. You make sure that everything is in perfect balance between good and evil. You love all beings even if they are evil, you have no hate in you at all, you're the purest form of angels.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
And one more :P My score on The Famous Jedi or Sith Test :
Obi-Wan Kenobi
(You scored 76% wisdom, 42% aggression, 64% power, and 76% morality!)
You are one of the wisest Jedi of them all, and have had a very eventful career full of failures and successes. You are a skilled fighter, having defeated many powerful opponents in your time. You are not overly aggressive, though. You are more reserved and collected. Your sense of morality is without question, and you are a model Jedi.
Link: The Famous Jedi or Sith Test ( Tests )Mmm well what to say? Angel of Light crossed with Obi Wan Ben Kenobi? *rolling eyes at self*Well, another one, why not?:
You Have A Type A- Personality
You are one of the most balanced people around
Motivated and focused, you are good at getting what you want
You rule at success, but success doesn't rule you.
When it's playtime, you really know how to kick back
Whether it's hanging out with friends or doing something you love!
You live life to the fullest - encorporating the best of both worlds Do You Have a Type A Personality? Once again, another test....**THIS one IS "me"**:"...which means that your energy is directed primarily inward, rather than outward. Your mixed score in this trait creates an interesting and alluring combination of traits: You are social yet also very reflective and introspective. You like to be around people, but too much interaction drains your energy. You need to retreat every once in a while in order to recharge your batteries... "That test was taken from personality100, and was a quite massive test, not like the usual ones...Here is another one, from one of those usual tests:
You Are An INFJ
The Protector
You live your life with integrity, originality, vision, and creativity.
Independent and stubborn, you rarely stray from your vision - no matter what it is.
You are an excellent listener, with almost infinite patience.
You have complex, deep feelings, and you take great care to express them.
What's Your Personality Type?

My Interests

Music, movies, reading, family, martial arts (Yes, I am practicing Kung Fu - great for body, mind and soul), travel, contemplating, creating music, drawing, writing, computers, dancing (salsa. merengue, trance, 70, 80, 90, 00+ and more..Isnt dancing just great? OK, I will be a bit shy the first dance, bet then I really Dance!!), singing (=but very badly, but hey I REALLY would like to sing...I mean it....could you teach me ;)!), cars, walking, meditating, running, being plain Lazy, just having Fun and a loooot of other things

I'd like to meet:

** YOU? I mean, thats why you ARE reading this? * Great Friends! * Great People! * People who can smile from within! * Maybe you, who like to search for The Light Within (yeah, capital letters ;-P ) * People who sometimes wonder, but surely beleive that there is a pure Light (and yes, its opposite).* Dreamers...realistic, or just dreamers..* Searchers* Believers of any kind as long as it is for Good


Broad range: Trance in general(especially good mixes or specials like Tiesto, van Buren, Haslan, Shane54, Quicksilver..), Classical music (harmonic pieces from various composers), Goth (like Within Temptation, Edenbridge), Jean Michel Jarre, Vangelis, Enigma, Kitaro....Marc Anthony and other latin music, Raul DiBlasio, RnB, hip-hop, salsa, normal "hit" music, ballads, Italo, older Gary Moore, Simon & Garfunkel, Lanvall (instrumental electric guitar very nice), some 50/60/70 and a lot of 80. 2000+ music. Agh, there are too many to recount here!!!! Message me if you're interested! Anyway, the most beautiful piece of "hit ballad" is Frankie Goes to Hollywoods "Power of Love" 12" version!


Everything from the Lord of the Rings via Jet Li/Jackie Chan via Matrix via Armaggedon (spelling?!) via Will Smiths movies via Just like Heaven (i liked that one) or Jersy Girl to Sound of Music, Disney (almost all of them), Pixar Studios :P And yep, I do fell those tears at moments with a lot of feelings ;D


Babylon 5, 24 and whatever else that catches my interest, but really, I don't watch to much TV, more movies. Tell you what! I can watch most anything!


I read a lot! Mainly Fantasy & Science Fiction, but I can "eat" everything, and actually I do :oD Some of my Favourite Authors: Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman R.A Salvatore (yeah, Drizzt) Raymond E. Feist Trudi Canavan Robert Jordan Terry Pratchett Terry Goodkind Terry Brooks Tolkien (yes of course, an *endless* inspiration, I have been very influenced by Tolkien since quite young) Louise Cooper David Eddings Isaac Asimov Arthur C. Clarke Stephen Donaldson


All those who un-selfishly help others, on a small scale or globaly. Independently of culture and/or religion. Those that set standards of Good, and live by them.

My Blog

Her loving heart

She looked out the window, her chin in her cupped hand, her elbow resting on the windowsill, eyes watching without seeing, her long hair flowing down her slender shoulders. She watched the snowflakes ...
Posted by Silverlance on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:06:00 PST

You rule yourself!

As you probably know by now, I ponder a bit about the inner forces we have inside of us, and how to accept ourselves..So, while listening to the music I have on my page I said, OK, I will write this l...
Posted by Silverlance on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:39:00 PST

Valley of Hope

Granted, i am not an author, and I am not a native english speaker (yes, we Do speak Swedish here ). BUT I still have my inspiration, and my thoughts. So, i wrote this little piece.. And so it ha...
Posted by Silverlance on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 03:00:00 PST

The feeling of longing, of this Light, of this Wonderful--dont know if you understand..

Its hard to describe. But I will try. Pictures of wonder, when I meditate and do a inner journey. I get this feeling that there is something Great out there, something Beautiful and extremely Wonderfu...
Posted by Silverlance on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 02:49:00 PST

Thinking aloud..

Okay...I must say that time passes quickly!I re-read my last blogg, and feel quite content about it, since it expresses "me". I have a lot of work to do, which is just fine (but why does it have to co...
Posted by Silverlance on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 05:40:00 PST

Intro and thoughts

Well, finally I have to try blogging. And since Within Temptation dragged me in here (okay, not personally, but with a link to their marvelous site), I guess I have to try to write something. But what...
Posted by Silverlance on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 02:29:00 PST