Just 4 fun
I'm pretty immature and act the part
If I hate you, I'll talk shit about you ;)I LOVE AUDREY KITCHING!I hate the liars the Only One that lies here that..s me
she..s my wife she is a whOre I love her and we have heavy hardcOre gOre sex hahaha i luv ya Phanne! thnk..s 4 evrithng! BF4E
.-*-..- I am addicted tO: stars, mOOn, blOOd, music (Obviusly), pOnys, vampires aaa.. i luv ya! n.nFuck yOur scene,
This is my scene.
©This is my bOyfriend BetO and he's the mOst amazing persOn ever. He's sO fucking cute and sweet, and I just can't get enOugh of him. Whenever I'm near him I'm always happy. I've tOtally changed since he came intO my life. and I'm glad he fell 4 me tOO. he is the reasOn why I wake up with a smile each day and a warm feeling inside my heart. WOrds and paragraphs will never in a milliOn years be able tO describe hOw much he truly means tO me. Baby, you are everything tO me. I hOpe I never lOse you. You're the best part Of my day, u're the mOst amazing bOy Out there, and u're all mine. My heart is cOmpletely taken by this bOy, sO dOn't try tO cOme in between us. u wOn't succeed. DOn't fucking hit On me, I am nOt interested.
[L.A girl]
[since 7 SeptemberI'm admired, and I'm hated. But I honestly don't care what people think of me anymore.ϖ hey dude! ϖ†I am called a LucerO Lilith BathOry dO nOt ask me that I like that decide†I am 16 as of July 22th†and I'm frOm MéxicO City†I have gOals in life, and I wOrk hard tO get tO where I want tO be.†I want to be the sweet fairy of your dreams †.-*-..- -..- A Reverend cumin Costs me what The people think, creates and says of me .. clear It has Me without warning .. I believe that Up to MaN they give pity)) But, pS thank you for enlarging my ego .. xP xP .-*-..- -..-5% Of the peOple whO add me send me hate mail I'm nOt a bit affected by yOur wOrds
[haters make me famOus] =)
*I hate ¬¬ ..**†The Green paNdiTaS†That the peOple judge tO the stupid thing .. withOut reasOn and argument†TO fall in lOve passiOnately and tO manage to be very dedicated**eN veRdaD ME eNcaNtaRia..**†ser tu hOla preferidO y tu mas difcil adiOs jajajaja†sEr eN la que piEnSas aNteS dE dOrmir†seR a La q’ jaMaAs puEdaS OlVidaR wAa.. eSO quE??†qUe mE dejEs uN cOmEnTariOo†quE cOmeNtes miS fOtOs !!!!!!!!!!!!!OdiO la sal y el azucar en excesO, leo tOdOs lOs cOmments y aceptO a toda la gente :D, iO e fumadhO mOta, me e alcohOlizadhO hasta mOrir xD, le e dadO al aire cOmprimidO prO nada me kausa dependcia n.n lO hagO pOrk kierO nO pOr necsidadif yOu wOuld like me tO mOdel sOme Of yOur prOducts, Or mOdel 4 yOur site cOntact mesOe celOsa a mas nO poder! y si t metes cn alguna amiwa O mi nOvheO O lO q sea atente a las cOnsecuencias...master whOm they lOve tO me!.LOVEMYFLASH CODE .. /LOVEMYFLASH CODE