Hang out with frds....La kopi....Ktv....Shopping....Go beach....Watch movies n tv....Rot on my bed....
My Fr|end$....Anyone has fRiendSter acc here??
I like to listen to music tat i find r gd....Mostly i'll tune to perfect 10 or yes 933....For now, i like untitled - simple plan, u'r beautiful - james blunt, wang bu liao - shi wen bing, wo ye heng xiang ta - stephanie sun n blah blah lah...
RoMant|c, hOrrOr, FuNNy or mOv|e$ tAt woRTh to WAtcH.....
Stairway to heaven...
RomAnt|c , fUnNy, MysTer|ouS cOmIcs.....(hmm do comics consider bks??) :P