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About Me

Drummer of High Hopes and Venus Bitch ..................... Yamaha Black, HH paiste 14, Crash Zildjian 17, Crash Sabian 16, Splash Paiste 10, Crash Zildjian 18, Ride Zildjian 20, Crash Effect Sabian 18, China Zildjian 18 ........... Myspace High Hopes
Site de notre association RockingParis
Site du groupe High Hopes
Myspace Venus Bitch
Site du groupe Venus Bitch

Online Status Icons
table{border: 1px solid #000000;}..

My Interests

envoyé par benboo18

I'd like to meet:

Everybody but before i need to meet Joey Castillo, Jimmy Chamberlin, Roy Mayorga, Lars Ulrich, The Animal and YOU !!!


Humanity kill the Humanity...

