Playing with KiKi, and sometimes Cam.
Play dates with Lucky, Cesar & XENA.
I miss long walks with Lucky!
Sniffing people's crotches
Peeing in the neighbors pretty flowers
Pooping in public so Mom can pick it up and swing the bag its in as she walks
Licking my balls
Humping my brothers and other people who are on the floor
Talking in my sleep
Slobbering water all over the hardwood floor so people fall and get their socks wet
Running out of the front door every chance I get
Chewing up plastic hangers and leaving the pieces all over the house to piss everyone off
Playing on the payground behind our house
Rolling around and getting hair everywhere
Getting treats and eating Frosty Paws
Pretending I'm deaf
Being carried around by Jason
Sitting under the coffee table when I have something I shouldn't have
Eating shoes
Playing with Cindy (my rubber chicken)
Chewing on my big brother Charlie
Drinking out of the toliet
I love to play with bras
Give kisses after licking my balls
Laying in front of the shower while Dad is in there
Tearing up the carpet under my crate
Being brushed
Playing with my toys
Laying in the rain so I smell like a wet dog
Stealing tape from Jason so he gets really mad
Riding in the car
and a hot yorkie.
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