I love the live life not seeing the sun shines on tv.
I like the real faces and no instant puppets on a string.
When I feel I feel with all my senses and don..t rely on plane pictures.........
I love the live life.
My Interests
people, books, art, music, a-ha, magne f.
I'd like to meet:
a-ha, magne f. and savoy
magne f.,u 2, a-ha, savoy ,coldplay, bush, pearljam strong voices, balm to my soul voices, balm to my soul songs....
see blog
Sven!!! My sisters!
My Blog
landart with shells
I love Goldsworhy´s work in the nature. I love landart!
So on my last holidays I played around with some shells and my mobile cam (no other camera at hand - it happend spontaiously, so sorry for the p... Posted by Ulrike on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:18:00 PST
Peter, Paul and Mary and the Logicclouds
Here are my results of my creative work with first grade kidz.
During our school-trip we "designed" our own postcards with special technik of watercolors.
#1 is called: DIALOGUES I - fishwi... Posted by Ulrike on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:01:00 PST
Something to think about!
A Russian cosmonaut and a Russian brain surgeon were once discussing Christianity. The brain surgeon was Christian, but the cosmonaut wasn`t. " I have been in outer space many times," bragged the cosm... Posted by Ulrike on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 03:39:00 PST
Long Legs
Long Leged Lady:
...to be continued.... Posted by Ulrike on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 04:13:00 PST
Books - recommendation
You dunno what to read?
Choose one of the following list of my favourits!
It think everyone will be able to pick something for his own taste......
Theodor Storm - Aquis Submersus, Paul the Pupe... Posted by Ulrike on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 01:29:00 PST