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I am here for Networking

About Me

BANDS - Don't try and add me if your music is nothing like my interests. Certainly don't try and add me if you haven't done the courtesy of listening to my band and adding us first. If you add me without messaging me - spam you go.

I am in a band, called imprint, check out our page

Our influences are Industrial, EBM, Noise, Classical, Ambient and others.

We mainly use Reason, Sonar and Cubase

Otherwise I am in a long-term, relationship and am very happy.

Try imprint

My Interests

Music, football, clubbing

I'd like to meet:

Trent Reznor, anyone willing to offer us a large record deal


imprint, NIN, Covenant, Lab 4, Stabbing Westward, Soman, VNV, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, XPQ-21, Praga Khan, Mlada Fronta, Rotersand, Nitzer Ebb


Fight Club, Highlander, Terminator, se7en, Black Hawk Down, Life Of Brian,


Simpsons, Top Gear


Ian Banks, Ian M Banks, Christopher Brookmyre, Primo Levi, Stephen King, Terry Pratchett.


Trent Reznor, My father, Bart Simpson