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Terry L.

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

For all of those who are interested, here we go~! If your looking for a sugar daddy, I'm not him (yet). I am 5ft 5 inches tall. I have brown hair, hazel green eyes and weight about 145 lbs. I am a cancer surviver. At the age of five I was diagnosed with a Teratoma on my tailbone. Most of my life has been spent in N.J.. I'm a fun loving, sweet and honest guy. I can be shy at first. Some people may think I am perverted at times, but I feel comfortable speaking about everything. Sex is an adult topic and I am open to speaking about it. No one wants to be treated with disrespect. If interested just drop me a message, invite or IM.Own a company? Looking for a Graphic Designer? Need a Logo Designed or Office Stationary (Letterheads, Bus. Cards, Envelopes.)I'm your man, drop me a line.Teratoma: A type of germ cell tumor that may contain several different types of tissue and sometimes mature elements such as hair, muscle, and bone. Teratomas occur most often in the ovary, testis, and in the sacrococcygeal region (near the tailbone) in children. A teratoma may be benign or malignant.When found later and not at birth............... Most likely was there and not noticed.A small SCT, if it is entirely inside the body, may not present for years, until it grows large enough to cause pain, constipation and other symptoms of a large mass inside the pelvis, or until it begins to extend out of the pelvis. Even a relatively large SCT may be missed, if it is internal, because the bony pelvis conceals and protects it. Mediastinal tumors, including teratomas, are similarly concealed and protected by the rib cage. Some SCTs are discovered when a child begins to talk at about age 2 years and complains of their bottom hurting or feeling "poopy" when they ride in a car seat.SACROCOCCYGEAL TERATOMA: Sacrococcygeal (sae-crow-cox-i-gee-ul) teratoma (terr-uh-tome-uh) is the most common tumor found in newborns. "Sacro" refers to sacrum and "coccy" refers to coccyx. The sacrum is a curved triangular bone at the bottom end of the vertebral column or backbones, just before the coccyx. The last bone of the vertebral column (also known as the "tail bone") is the coccyx. Sacrococcygeal identifies the location. Teratoma refers to the type of tissues that makes up these growths. They are comprised of chaotically arranged tissues of all types (fat, bone, nerves, etc) that are found in an area that they are not normally found. Sacrococcygeal teratoma (SCT) is rare, occurring in 1 in 35,000 to 40,000 live births. It is four times more common in females than males. The cause is not known. One theory is it is a failed twinning attempt. Another is it is a growth from an abnormally placed set of germ or stem cells. animated layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments

My Interests

view my portfolio:
coroflot.com/UniversalDesignI like the Philly Sports Teams~!!
HOT Comment Graphics / HOT Myspace Layouts
Got Talent? Get Famous!
I enjoy the company of a woman, romance and passion filled nights.

MyspaceGraphics - At Myspacejunks.com

I also enjoy doing graphic design work, playing Socom, fishing, camping, and shooting pool. Planes have always peeked my interest, along with sharks.

Myspace Graphics

Parties, friends and family. Sometimes I draw. I have a large collection of comic books from when I was younger. They are a bitch to lug around when moving.

I'd like to meet:

Most people aren't perfect and my perfect match may not exist so, I am looking for a woman who will catch my eyes and take my breath away. Someone who will make me feel like I can't live without her. This woman should be funny, cute, exciting and sexy~! I like a woman who is more on the aggresive and wild side. One a scale of an overall rating from 1-10, She should be a 6+ easy. What's on the inside, should always matter as much as with what's on the outside. I prefer someone my height or shorter, but if you are taller it's ok.Turn Ons: Lower back tats, cute eyes, nice ass and breasts. ( I am a breast man. )Turn Offs: Women who are High maintance, self centered and think they are better than the rest.


I listen to all kinds from heavy metal, rock & roll and rap. Go Rare Breed~!   Some favs are Ozzy, Motley Crue, LL Cool J, Snoop Dog, Kid Rock and Limp B. baby~!Shaq Attacks Kobe: You Ruined My Marriage!


Like to watch horror, thriller, action and comedy movies. There have been some worth while romance movies out there, but they aren't for the single guys.

Myspace Graphics

MyspaceGraphics - At Myspacejunks.com


I have a few shows that I like to watch, "Smallville, Deadliest Catch, Philly Sports, That 70's Show, Married With Children, UFC, WWE and Law and Order." Sometimes I watch Discovery, History and Animal Planet.

Myspace Graphics


I don't do to much reading these days except for school and Graphic Design items. Sometimes books about animals or sports.


Military, Fire Fighter or any other person who risk their lives to help others in a time of need. Note: Pat Tillman gave up a Million dollar NFL career to go fight for what he believed in. How many people would give up that kind a paying job and join the military? He paid the ultimate sacrifice. Killed in combat, not by the enemy, but by friendly fire.

My Blog

I think I have a STALKER...

Kelly from Vegas seems to have an issue with me purchasing her friend. For real, STOP SENDING ME YOUR STUPID E-mails. Your not on my friends list, so take a hike~! It's just a MySpace game for crying ...
Posted by Terry L. on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 11:30:00 PST

Back on the Prowl & Ridin Dirty~!

My new ride is a 1996 Ford Probe SE. It's grey and has a little body damage and rust, but doesn't look bad. For the most part, it's all nice inside and rides smooth. Only thing not working inside is t...
Posted by Terry L. on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 03:26:00 PST

Stll Fightin~!

The Phillies have fought all the way back this year to win the NL East Division Title, after losing 22 players to the DL and the Mets blowing a 7 1/2 game lead....  Way to go Fightin Phills~!!!&n...
Posted by Terry L. on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:38:00 PST


When faced with adversity and choices, one must look deep inside his/her self to help answer struggling questions. Then one must have faith in the choices he/she made.   Adversity: Misfortun...
Posted by Terry L. on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:51:00 PST


We all have people in our lives. Some since we were little, others as we grow older. They seem to come and go in and out our lives, but the ones who stay are the ones who care. Sometimes you have...
Posted by Terry L. on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 06:21:00 PST

My Friends List

My friends list is for: family, new friends, old friends and anyone who wants to know me on a more personal level. If you are not going to fall into one of these catagories, Don't take up space o...
Posted by Terry L. on Sun, 20 May 2007 01:39:00 PST

Name Quiz

- Terry's Sexy Acronym -Tis for...TumescentEis for...EagerRis for...RacyRis for...RavishingYis for...YummyThe'>http://www.quizuniverse.com/quiz.php?id=67">The Sexy Acronym Generator at http://www.quiz...
Posted by Terry L. on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 11:14:00 PST