My friends know that spirituality is the heart of my life. I learned vipassana meditation over the years from Stephen Levine, Jack Kornfield, Larry Rosenberg, Michael Freeman, Leigh Brasington, and Bante Gunaratana. These days I am working hard to intensify my meditation, my studies, and just help anyone I can. The most beautiful recipient of my kindness is Tristan (my four-year-old beautiful and amazing autistic son). My current studies are in Tibetan Buddhism through Diamond Mountain University. The audio, readings, and assignments can be downloaded for free at:
Asian Classics Institute
The world is unbelievably beautiful and bows down to offer us unlimited love and wisdom. I am beyond grateful... As I look at my profile over, I continue to feel blessed. One thing to add... I feel everyone is connected with everyone else in a very special way, so please let us all take good care of one another. Thank you for being part of my life!