Curt profile picture


It is our mind that creates the world.

About Me

After a prolonged absence, I am back on myspace. Please forgive me for being away. I have really missed my friends and the profound words you have to share. You are many of the kindest and most beautiful people I have ever known.

My friends know that spirituality is the heart of my life. I learned vipassana meditation over the years from Stephen Levine, Jack Kornfield, Larry Rosenberg, Michael Freeman, Leigh Brasington, and Bante Gunaratana. These days I am working hard to intensify my meditation, my studies, and just help anyone I can. The most beautiful recipient of my kindness is Tristan (my four-year-old beautiful and amazing autistic son). My current studies are in Tibetan Buddhism through Diamond Mountain University. The audio, readings, and assignments can be downloaded for free at:
Asian Classics Institute
The world is unbelievably beautiful and bows down to offer us unlimited love and wisdom. I am beyond grateful... As I look at my profile over, I continue to feel blessed. One thing to add... I feel everyone is connected with everyone else in a very special way, so please let us all take good care of one another. Thank you for being part of my life!

My Interests

Mountains in the Summertime

Mountains in the Wintertime

My primary interests involve spiritual development, so Buddhist books, Buddhist teachers, vipassana and samatha meditation, and Tibetan Heart Yoga. I also like Ken Wilber, Ram Dass, and Osho for inspiration.... Other interests include: traveling, hiking, and good friends who are creative and unafraid to love :)

I'd like to meet:

This is very difficult to answer because I have already met so many wonderful people, and so many wonderful people have died in the past, and there are so many wonderful people who I do not know of yet....

If you would like to add me use "Kindness" as my last name. I will honor most sincere requests for friends. If I don't know you, please correspond with me as I would enjoy getting to know you :)


I love music and enjoy a variety of artists. Foremost are probably Alanis Morissette and rock and hip hop and everything that inspires me to think and feel...


Although I am not sure what these movies have in common, I like: Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Beyond Borders, The Family Man, Meet Joe Black, The Matrix, and The Valley (obscured by clouds).


No time for TV or the big screen....


Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand
by Pabongka Rinpoche
Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness
by Bante Henepola Gunaratana
A Gradual Awakening
by Stephen Levine
The Diamond Cutter
by Geshe Michael Roach


People who gave so much while they were here:
Buddha Shakyamuni
Master Nagarjuna
Master Asanga
Master Shantideva
Je Tsongkapa
Pabonka Rinpoche
Khen Rinpoche
Chogyam Trungpa
Ajahn Chah
Mahasi Sayadaw
Thera Nyanaponika
Thera Nanamoli
and all those who have and are translating the Dharma into Western languages for the benefit of all beings.