.killwhitney. profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

perhaps it is my own fault. i withheld certain vital items, an apparatus here, a fact there--but only because (yes, this is closer to the truth) i dreamed you would be greater than me. i saw a king without dominion. i saw a gun bleeding. i saw the prince of paradise forgotten.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

(.loyalty is a lie.)
..oh stay with me arienette until the wolves are away...




.film noir.




..dark came and this time he did have a fire, going out from time to time(...)scouring the near woods for old stumps which he split out and dressed of their rotted hearts...


.my papa.
.ronald. dean. evanson.
.10 april 1937. 17 february 2007.

..the best man i have ever known..