Pondering the great existential questions, like: "In an Amish disco, do you think they're allowed to do the electric slide?"
...someone, ANYONE, who can help make all deez hoes back up offa me! Am I right, money? I mean, jeez, I have just ALMOST a hundred problems (99 to be exact), and wouldn't you know it? A bitch IS one!!!
Any of the radical and progressive work that was done with electric triangle in those experimental "neo jug bands" in the early nineties Scandinavian pop scene. Great, now I've offended the Scandinavians who might come here... good thing they can't read!
Memento, The Usual Suspects, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and of course, what list can call itself complete without the inclusion of You Got Served? Actually, THIS list can. Pretend I never mentioned that particular hickey on the ass of American cinema... Speaking of hickeys on asses, here's a random list of 'funny' fake porn titles; see if you can control your gag reflex!!! ----- Wyatt Slurp, When Sally Got Hairy, Latexpectations, Schindler's Fist, The Hand That Cradles the Rocks, Shaving Amy, Tight Club, The Hymen Show, Plump Friction, Lady and Some Tramps, The Gatrix, and of course, what list can call itself complete without the inclusion of You Got Tossed?
...I don't watch too much, honestly. Um... gimme a minute, I'm sure I'll come up with something... Oooh, is Parker Lewis Can't Lose still on?
There was that one, oh, what was it called, it was about this fellow named Horton, and the story had something to do with him hearing something... it was like a 'hoo' or something to that effect... jeez, what was the NAME of that thing?!?... Ah well, I'll remember it later and post it (insert fake anticipation here). Oh, and I tried to read the Bible once, but I didn't get very far... (Audience: "How far did you get?") I got to the part that said, "Placed by the Gideons." (Hold for applause, tomatoes)
...should re-think that whole 'spandex tights' thing. I mean, seriously.