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RUSH: to carry or convey with haste, to cause to move, act, or progress quickly,hurried activity; busy haste,requiring or done in haste.those are the defintions for the word "rush" from how does those defintions relate to this site?The Rush is a weekly Bible study that is not for Christians. That's right NOT FOR CHRISTIANS. This is a Bible study for anyone who has ever had questions about the Bible or has been interested in what it says. But Christians are always welcome of course!The Rush is unlike any Bible study that you've ever seen. Unlike other Bible studies, just like the defintion states for the word "RUSH," this Bible study won't take up too much of your time. it gets right to the point. 'Cause we at the Rush understand that you have a very busy life that's why we get straight to the point. Each week we'll have a new Bible study for you to read so please take 5-10 minutes to read it and please leave us comments about the Bible studies. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTOINS ABOUT THE BIBLE OR ANYTHING FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE US ANYTIME! IF YOU WOULD LIKE FOR US TO COVER A TOPIC IN OUR BIBLE STUDY LET US KNOW! IF YOU WANNA KNOW HOW YOU CAN ACCEPT JESUS CHRIST TO BE LORD OF YOUR LIFE PLEASE LET US KNOW 'CAUSE WE'D LOVE TO TELL YOU HOW HE CAN COME INTO YOUR LIFE AND CHANGE YOU!