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About Me

I finally decided, I'm game to this whole about me thing. I'm Mike Bennett. I cherish the weird artifacts in my room. I've decided to no longer live my life with regrets and I've moved on from everything. I cherish my uber nerdy days, and sometimes I get the feeling I had those days. I can go through a conversation with song refrences, though no one has challenged me on it yet. I know so much about David Bowie's music and career it HAS become a refrence to who I am. I love to quote comedians, but have the habit of thinking that everyone knows the comedian I'm quoting. I wish I could go into the city everyday. I wish I could pronounce Manhattan right. I want to go to Japan, very very soon. Ironically enough, I'm listening to Crystal Japan and that wasn't planned. Senior year's over and I still really haven't come to realize that yet. I think there is beauty in the simplicity of life. I am a heathen, and I don't believe I'll ever have a change of heart. I don't hate anyone, though some people do get on my nerves. Sadly, if you hate men, I can't be nice to you, and if you're irrational, then you're in the same boat. I hate it when people generalize. I sometimes wish I was in the 80s, for all reasons except for some of the styles women had *shudder*. I really would like to see David Bowie in concert front row. And if there was ever a Shudder to Think reunion tour, i'd be on that like a pimp on a highschool dropout. I can do and say some ridiculous things, I'm usually never serious, but there are times where I'll fade out of a conversation, say something and see that it contradicts something else someone said or I was just way off topic. I stop to make sense at certain times of the night, but I am definitely a night person. I am addicted to Coca-Cola and seriously need to stop drinking the poison, and now I have. I don't like the tastes of any other conventional drinks. I think theres a high amount of discrimination towards 18-21 year olds. Also I feel the government's really pricks to bachelors I mean just because a guy doesn't want to start a family he needs to be THAT much more in taxes? I believe in alot of things, and you may end up hating me for those beliefs. I hate stop and shop for its ideals. I cherish my record collection, though small.

I/M me on AIM if you crave to know more about me, or talk to me. My screen name is My Hit Liquor, named after such a great song from such an amazing band.

Mis forMusical
Iis forInnocent
Kis forKind
Eis forExuberant
Yis forYummy What Does Your Name Mean?

My Interests

Your Life is Like
High Fidelity

I'd like to meet:

David Bowie, Craig Wedren, Curt Smith, Roland Orzabal, Yuri, That woman from Two~Mix, Dave Attell (GIVE HIM HIS FUCKING SHOW BACK), Dana Carvey, Donald Fagen, Walter Becker, someone named Aja, someone named Josie who prays like a roman with her eyes on fire, someone named Dr. Wu, O&A, Megumi from YA (I can dream can't I?), Tadanobu Asano, Takashi Miike, Dane Cook, Bruce Campbell, Scarlet Johansson, and Mitch Hedberg; but I suppose I can only meet him when I travel to the top two coreners of the map (RIP)

But I don't just want to meet famous people or cult icons, I want to meet pretty much anyone. Maybe even you.


So yeah I'm gonna update this too. I think that if I listed all the artists it would be a pretty short list because I listen to music differently that most people. When I usually first get into a band, I'll buy the album that made them famous, that's a given, then I'll move on from there to other, lesser known albums. Because of this I know alot about the artists that I know, but just don't know many of them. When talking about me and Music, three names may come to mind; Shudder to Think, Steely Dan and David Bowie. These are the three bands that I can never choose from. Besides that there's the Moody Blues, Boston, The Beatles, and Rush. Getting a little bit closer to my metal roots there's Iron Maiden of course, Symphony X, Dream Theater, Van Halen, Andrew W.K. and the ever so conceited Yngwie J. Malmsteen. Then there's the part of my musical tastes which is related to the 80s, Tears for Fears, The Fixx, Prince, B-52s, The Outfield, Michael Jackson, Hall & Oates, and Lionel Richie. I can listen to pretty much any Jazz, which is a blatant lie. I like alot of Jazz, I just don't really know artists themselves who I'd associate to the Jazz I like. I like Mr. Bungle, great guys. I could never get into Led Zepplin or The Stones. Oh well. I don't like Bruce Springsteen, maybe like can't start a fire and stuff, but that's really it. But then there's the whole other side of my musical taste, electronica and Japan. Yes, they go hand in hand. From what I've heard/accquired through my brothers itunes I'd say Kraftwerk and Stereolab kick some major ass. (I love Miss Modular for some reason). I know that one day I'll own a collection of Stereolab and Kraftwerk and not have to turn on the Mac for it. I still love old to semi old Video Game Music, it's just so epic and well written, you can't not like it. But that taps into a whole differen't thing. I love Two~Mix, and I like Move and T.M. Revolution. I love YMO and Ryuichi Sakamoto too. However, at this exact moment I'm enjoying Pizzicato 5 the most. I love how Japanese Music is sometimes so so sooo lighthearted, even if the song isn't really about something all that great. It took me a while to get into Pizzicato 5 too, but somehow something just clicked with me.For some odd reasons I love the songs Atlantic by Hotels, Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence by Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Resident Wine by Shudder to Think with undying passion. I hope to make something better than all three.


And thats just the ones that I own.

(hint: Hold mouse over picture to see the names of the movies in case you cant read them.)

Anything by this guy:

oh man I wish my name had two Is in it too.

Anything by this guy too:

That IS some damn good coffee

Anything with a musical score by these guys:

Ah man if only they never broke up.

Anything with this cool cat in it:

Or this guy:

Or who could forget him:

Or almost any movie with this guy starring:

And this movie should be released on dvd or vhs, or at least shown again on comedy central:

a legend of sorts.



High Fidelity


If you get this then I love you...kinda:

"These LA cats are making us sound like a couple of goddamn pussies"-Donald Fagen and Walter Becker, "Bring me some bandages and there'll be sex"-girl in a Brue Jay Friedman story, "How can you say you like Art Garfunkel and Solomon Burke? It's like saying you support the Israelis and Palestinians"-Rob from High Fidelity, "I've spent nearly thirty years listening to people singing about broken hearts, and has it helped me any? Has it fuck."-Rob from High Fidelity.

My Blog


..> What Shannon Means S is for SensitiveH is for HotA is for AlertN is for NiceN is for NaiveO is for OptimisticN is for Natural ..> What Does Your Name Mean?...
Posted by Snakes on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 12:24:00 PST