I finally decided, I'm game to this whole about me thing. I'm Mike Bennett. I cherish the weird artifacts in my room. I've decided to no longer live my life with regrets and I've moved on from everything. I cherish my uber nerdy days, and sometimes I get the feeling I had those days. I can go through a conversation with song refrences, though no one has challenged me on it yet. I know so much about David Bowie's music and career it HAS become a refrence to who I am. I love to quote comedians, but have the habit of thinking that everyone knows the comedian I'm quoting. I wish I could go into the city everyday. I wish I could pronounce Manhattan right. I want to go to Japan, very very soon. Ironically enough, I'm listening to Crystal Japan and that wasn't planned. Senior year's over and I still really haven't come to realize that yet. I think there is beauty in the simplicity of life. I am a heathen, and I don't believe I'll ever have a change of heart. I don't hate anyone, though some people do get on my nerves. Sadly, if you hate men, I can't be nice to you, and if you're irrational, then you're in the same boat. I hate it when people generalize. I sometimes wish I was in the 80s, for all reasons except for some of the styles women had *shudder*. I really would like to see David Bowie in concert front row. And if there was ever a Shudder to Think reunion tour, i'd be on that like a pimp on a highschool dropout. I can do and say some ridiculous things, I'm usually never serious, but there are times where I'll fade out of a conversation, say something and see that it contradicts something else someone said or I was just way off topic. I stop to make sense at certain times of the night, but I am definitely a night person. I am addicted to Coca-Cola and seriously need to stop drinking the poison, and now I have. I don't like the tastes of any other conventional drinks. I think theres a high amount of discrimination towards 18-21 year olds. Also I feel the government's really pricks to bachelors I mean just because a guy doesn't want to start a family he needs to be THAT much more in taxes? I believe in alot of things, and you may end up hating me for those beliefs. I hate stop and shop for its ideals. I cherish my record collection, though small.
I/M me on AIM if you crave to know more about me, or talk to me. My screen name is My Hit Liquor, named after such a great song from such an amazing band.
Mis forMusical
Iis forInnocent
Kis forKind
Eis forExuberant
Yis forYummy What Does Your Name Mean?