My interests are often changing but a few have been consistent throughout the last several years. I started playing guitar when I was 16. Initially my Dad (one of the greatest musicians of all time) began to teach me and now I find my self playing for hours on end. I rarely play in front of anybody except my wife. I play more for my enjoyment than anybody else. Music had been an underlying interest for most of my life. The other reoccurring interest is computers. I have been fascinated with them since my Dad's 386. I went to school to learn Programming and was even more enamored with the beautiful logic behind the technology. Today I am an IT technician and get to work every day doing something I love.
People who are not mean. I like to talk to people who have different points of view. I like people who are a bit "eccentric" themselves.
I like a wide variety of music. The Beatles, Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, U2, Everclear, Cake, and so on... I always have a hard time describing the music I like so I find it easier to say I am not a fan of Country, 80s Pop, Hip Hop, or Disco!!!! Outside that I listen to everything from Elvis to Tabatha's Secret.
I like action, sci-fi, and some others. I am not a fan of the "Chick Flick" and a lot of the drama that comes out is of no interest to me. I would much prefer to watch something a bit more interesting. Recently I have enjoyed Serenity (the movie version of the too short lived but Fantastic TV series Fire Fly), Aeon Flux which was a better movie than I thought. Some of my past favorites are Happy Gilmore (I don't know why but I can watch that movie over and over again), The Italian Job (just makes me want to go drive one of those Mini's around), Shrek (I have never laughed so hard a cartoon), The Hunt For Red October (the greatest submarine movie of all time). I also have my cult classics that I love (Space Balls, Monty Python in general, a lot of the Kevin Smith movies thanks to my friend Matt introducing me to Clerks in High School)
I watch too much TV. I really do. I like a lot of different stuff. The History Channel is one of my favorites. Not beacuse I am into History but more they just have cool stuff on. Boston Legal is one of my favorites shows because it has Kirk and you can't beat that. I am a huge Trek Fan. I am more of a TOS, TNG, DS9 man. I had a really hard time getting into Voyager. Enterprise was fantastic except I think they went a bit to far into that whole big weapon that will destroy earth plot. They finally tied that up and were going back to the formula of 1 non connected episode each week and the show got canceled. Monk is a great show. I really look forwards for the summer and winter seasons of it. I have a really hard time with high maintenance shows like 24, or Lost, and so on. I just can't make that kind of commitment to watch something every week. You know what errks me though is that the TV studios are getting Lazy. It used to be that you would at least get a new show each week during regular seasons. Now you get like 4 new shows in a row separated by 6 reruns, what the hell.
I don't read a lot of novels. The books I read are normally to learn something I don't know how to do. I do have a favorite book though. I read it back in High School and it has stuck with me. 1984 by George Orwell. It is a fantastic book. If you haven't read it you should check it out.