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Shhhhh... Don't cry

About Me

I am a mom of 2, one girl and one boy. I am not married but very spoken for, I LOVE MY MAN! I am a collage student, and a teacher aide in a special purpose preschool program for children with Autism. I love my job and like school, but can't wait to graduate may 2007! I am a gemini, oooohhhh a twin out there some whaer, I'm not telling if i'm the evil one or the good one! HA! HA! I would die for my kids, i live for my kids,a nd couldn't live without my kids!!!!!!!!!!! I am short (4'11") and tiny(100 lbs). Brown hair(all though i've been known to COLOR it a bit crazy), brown eyes(all though i've been known to change that too :) I love to have a good time and it's not hard to make me giggle. "HEE HEE HEE HAA HAA!" I admire people who really know who they are and live up to that label. I wish i could go to my favorite place in the whole world everyday and cry because i can't. I dream really feaky SH@# all the time and usally am naked in my dreams! LOL! sorry if that's 2 much info! "next...."

My Interests

The most interesting things to me are my children and how they interpert things. Child psychology, Infant mental health, Art Therapy.Music and dance. Harley Davidson's, big trucks, FAST, LOUD, OLD CARS!!!!I am very interested in learning how make LOT'S AND LOT'S OF MONEY!

I'd like to meet:

My grandparents on the ohter side!!!! My mom's hero and Georgina. Bud Worscter, Heidi's Idol! HOLLIE'S FAMILY!Jamie McMurray, Dale Earnhardt and his son, EMINEM, BRAD PITT!!!!!!!!!! (I LOVE HIM), Al Paccino, Juiliette Lewis, Anthony Hopkins A.K.A Hannibal Lector!!!! "Mickey and Mallory" andMADONNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(SHE IS MY WOMAN!!!!!!osama bin laden and george bush in the same room one armed and one not, you guess who's who!!!every child with autism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Rap, Hip-Hop, Seductive(Paula Cole), Pretty much anything by anybody who has something valuable to say, EXCEPT COUNTRY!! (SORRY RHONDA, i LOVE YOUR MUSIC, U KNOW THAT)


SCARY SCARY SCARY SCARY SCARY SCARY, FREAKY,FREAKY, SPOOKY PSYCH THRILLERS!!!!!!!!!!! The Ring, I and II, HIde and Seek, What Lies Beneath, The Grudge, Exorsist, the Exorsist Of Emily Rose, A Nightmare On Elm Street's (especially the first three),Devil's Advocate, And my ultimate three favorites are "Natural Born Killers", "Kalifornia", and "The Notebook!" I know, I'm bizarre!


"What the..." I like awy too much tv to list all but i'll try to narrow it down. NASCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All criminal/cop/detective shows(CSI, Law and order, with out a trace etc,) PRISON BREAK! THE SHEILD!!!!!! Lost, Intervention, OCC, Rockstar Supernova. Chris Angel:MINDFREAK!!!! Anything about Madonna, Bradd Pitt and Eminem!


I'll get back to you on this one....


MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!