Driving, working, writing, reading, laughing, emotional self-mutilation, roadtrips, my love3, people watching, backseat bartending, people, you?, driving, dancing, ...
Interesting people who realize when they're butchering the English language and find it amusing, as opposed to those who either don't realize they're doing it or don't care. The kind of people that remind you of a Kevin Smith movie.
My tastes are pretty eclectic. Metallica, VNV Nation, Covenant, Tool, Billy Joel, Save Ferris, Sarma, RHCP, Pearl Jam, :Wumpscut:, Harry Chapin, Hocico, PotUSA, Tori Amos, Neurotic Fish, and Cake, to name a few.
I've actually found stuff on TV to watch lately. Adult Swim, Lost, House, Avatar: the Last Airbender, Blade the series, Who Wants to Be a Superhero, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Mostly sci-fi/fantasy stuff as of late. Robert Jordan's the Wheel of Time, C.J. Cherryh's the Dreaming Tree
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