University Application Watch
Reading: Land Management - ABB or BBB with B in AS Maths
Reading: Construction Management and Building Surveying - BCC
UCL: Project Construction Management - BBB (probably my first choice)
Nottingham: Sustainable Built Environment - CCC (just a tad unambitious)
Kingston: Property Planning and Development - BBC
Kingston: Real Estate Management - BBC
Summer seems to be over and we're all back!! U6 seems quite wierd and unrealistic...mind you it seems like all the work is harder but you have more time to do it i guess...bring on the 18ths?! anyhoo...
A Little bit about me....
I go to St Albans School, upper 6th, in Hertfordshire...which i've been at for 6 years now and to be honest i dont really understand why some people hate it so much? i can understand that certain things/people are bad (those of you who know will know what im talking about)but i guess if i look at the overall experience i've gained from this school i guess it isn't a shabby one...I'm taking Biology Chemistry and Music.. 8-) i know but im not really that more into my music (see below)...generally quite a laid back person who doesn't really worry about too much in life and is quite good natured (somebody else told me that i was! but it pisses me off when people take advantage...
Really glad to have some really gd mates who seem to get us thru everything together...
in case you hadn't realised who u were:
Keffers, Bailey, Jack K, Miles, Howie, Andy and George - went to Ireland together this year..was amazing...cant believe we all got a tann whilst we were in Ireland?! Pier Diving was amazing as well as just having an ultimate cotch on the beach...its become a bit of a annual thing now...keffers to thank for it all..
I like travelling its nice to see the world but i dont like to rush...its much better to spend a long time travelling and seeing everything in detail and soaking it all up rather than rushing through things and never understanding or remembering them e.g. like reading a book so that you don't have to read the book again...some of my favourite places are Malaysia where my mum is from...travelled most of the country there, snorkelling is one of the fondest memories i have of there and if want to know what its like...just google 'Pulau Redang, Malaysia'...heaven on Earth....
Music - The Band!! still going strong...hoping to get an album finished soon...
and im sure we will have ppl craving for more and more 'techno techno' genius ...we hope...
cudn't ask for a better set of band members...well i say that, im not going to refuse if coldplay ask me to join them...
Most of the people who know me will notice i devote a lot of my life to music...and if ur a musician too i enjoy meeting people and performing with them...singing with other ppl is always good...
16th of June we played a charity concert in aid of Cancer Research UK and raised £1700 pounds towards the cause..big turn out and thanks to every1 who came and supported us...we hope to see you next year...check out my videos there's a short clip there...