Iam a hard core Gator fan, I love playin video games, huntin, some fishin(Mainly salt water). Goin to church with my peeps, the beach, movies.
Robert Redford, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Connelly.
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Just a few of the hundreds of people I want to meet:
Megan Fox, Josh Duhnamel, the person who invited krispy cremes.:]
Linkin ParkSaosinBreaking BenjaminHawk NelsonRed jumpsuit apparatusThe WhoMaroon 5Kayne westT-painFoo fightersThe BledMarty O'DonellRock city!
Spy GameTransformers, 300, Meet the Spartans, I am Legend, 3:10 to Yuma, Black hawk down, Casino Royale, All the James Bond movies.The KingdomThe PathfinderCasino Royale (Latest James Bond movie)omg I love the "Band of Brothers" seriesNorbit(Not really)Black Hawk down, (You know, those awesome gore military movies lol)Transformers,300,James bond series.(all the new and old classic ones)
MAD TV.Family Guy,Colbert Report.The Big Bang TheorySharkYou know, the awesome crime scene shows, too many of those on the air anyways. lol2
The BibleContact HarvestThe Graphic novel series.Ghosts of OnyxFirst StrikeThe FloodThe Fall of ReachThe Hot ZoneRichard Preston
The guy who invited kripsy creme,