living longer, freedom of expression, green tea, my baby, my wife
.. I'd like to meet the best side of myself that has all the characteristics of the person I need to be in order to be a successful family man and learn more about him, try my best to take all the good parts and make a new me
anything that BANGS !!!!!!!!! RAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!
SCARFACE, Harry Potter, LORD of THE RINGS, The GoDFathER, King Of New York, X, New Jack City
The Wire, Cartoon Netwoork, adultswimcartoon
MINE GO GET MY BOOK !!! HEY YOU DID U BUY MY BOOK ??? GO PICK IT UP RIGHT NOW !!!POET / AUTHOR / SONG WRITER / CHECK OUT THOSE ILLUSTRATIONS !!!.. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" ..",0,0,0" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="179" id="poll9441060" ALIGN="" ..
Bill Cosby, Red Foxx, Sammy Davis, Jr., Rudy Ray Moore aka DOLEMITE, RiCHard PryoR, Sydney Portier, Max Julien aka GOLDY, Thurgood Marshall, MAXINE Holmes,Rev. Cecil Murry, SPIKE LEE, My Uncle Leroy, Robert Clemons Sr. & Jr., Uncle Ray, Grampa, Cousin Ray, just to name a few