HEY YO! What's up out there?
What can we say about ETERNAL BOND? Well... After a couple of years without rehearsing, we are back and we are stronger than ever! Since 2004 we have played good shows with national and international bands, got a good base of fans but due to personal reasons we have stopped for a while coming back in full power in 2007! We had some major line-up changes: Andre (drums), Bolo (guitar) , Sandro and Filipe (guitar and bass) more recently, had parted ways with us for personal reasons but are still active members of our crew and very special friends as always have been! Pedro (drums) from Bulletproof joined the band bringing the power we needed to continue! Tiago Baptista, a long time friend, got to play bass for us and more recently, after Sandro left the band, Pedro (guitar) has joined us as well, another member from the band Bulletproof. With him we got some crazy solos for you to hear and get crazy about!
We released the new album "CONVICTIONS", in December 2007, get your copy now, you won..t regret it! We are looking forward for the upcoming months, to get some feedback about our record, we hope to play some good shows and to do some good tours! "CONVICTIONS" is out now on SONS URBANOS RECORDS (PORTUGAL), and will be available in JAPAN on CROSSFIRE RECORDS in mid 2008!
Keep It Real!!!