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princess tiffany

if you find me,hide me,i don't know where i've been-emily haines

About Me

i'd like to start off by saying"i don't want to grow up!"i'm all about fun and living life to the fullest.i enjoy being a happy person and i love to make people laugh.friends mean everything to me.they are what get you through your "blue"days.i figure that life is to short and anything can happen at enjoy every minute.oh and might i add i love my job!Click Here For Myspace Layouts !

My Interests

travel!!!!i want to see the world!!!!being with my friends,boobie tops,drinking wine,seeing dj's...and meeting them,experiencing different cultures,vancouver,tanning,facials,shambhala,photography,wre ck beach,art,lebanese food,hot wings,different cities nightlife,really good food...goat cheese,jazz,people watching,movies with subtitles,halloween,new years,hot gay guys,beautiful drag queens,being around people with energy.nursing!my cat keisha,outdoor raves, the ocean,lights-"las vegas",martini's, karaoke with the welks,stella artois,sitting on a patio on a hot day,mini golf,music,myspace,festivals,feeding the ducks with my honey,prank calls,dressing up,subarbs,oh and my big dream is to become a burlesque dancer with lisa

I'd like to meet:

any movie star.i once wanted to become a limo driver in vancouver just to meet someone famous.did'nt work out cause i'm still stuck in deadmonton.i would like to meet new friends to hang with and friends from around the world


i love my matt good!his music melts my soul!!!i'm also really into emily can she write some kick ass songs!electro,house and trance make me the little raver i am.tiga,felix da housecat.ferry corsten,armin,the knife,goldfrapp,steve angenello remixes,jaque lu cont fisherspooner,deep dish,basement jaxx just a few of my fav dj's.depeche mode,the cure and new order will never die for me.natalie merchant,sarah mclaughlin,jann arden,sia...make me cry.killers,bloc party,and all that new wave stuff makes me want to get naked!edith paif makes me feel french.u2 what more can i say then i've seen them 3 times in concert and i will always love them.


anything disturbing.i love shocking my friends with the weird little gems i find. i love french movies,documentries,and i always have a soft spot for cheesy teen movies.some of my fav state, boogie nights,bully, life as a house,kids,notebook, it's all gone pete tong, happiness,palindromes,monster, c.r.a.z.y,groove,thirteen, almost famous,rory oshea. mysterious skin,brokeback mountain, party monster,pretty in pink, karate kid&napolean dynimate


degrassi,degrassi degrassi.especially the old but the new are good too.queer as folk,six feet under,oz.l word,america's next top model,lost,laguna beach,one tree hill,30 days,nip/tuck,sopranos,gilmore girls,er,grey's anatomy and of coarse every girls' and the city!


party monster!


anyone that does'nt get married and have babies!boooooo babies.

My Blog


does anyone else ever feel like they have expired?time for something new.the world is spinning out of control and i am stuck in the same place doing the same things.why does everything happen to every...
Posted by princess tiffany on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 05:39:00 PST

ghetto pedicure!!!!!

this is a warning to everyone.don't be cheap and go to vo's for a pedicure.sure you think 30$ can't go wrong.i was in and out in 15 feet look the same as they did before hand.i feel robbed!!!!!...
Posted by princess tiffany on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:16:00 PST

i luv my friends!

just wanted to let all those lucky people who are friends with the wonderful princess tiffany know that i love them!saturday night was all of you that attended thanks you so much.especially...
Posted by princess tiffany on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:19:00 PST

some people are assholes!

okay....something about myspace is pissing me off.the purpose of my space is to advertise hopes of people wanting to be your friend or compliment your taste on various things or tell you h...
Posted by princess tiffany on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:16:00 PST

i have a new crush........

oh my god...patrick dempsey is sooo hot.i used to love him back in the 80's but now he is so super sexy.for those of you who have'nt watched grey's anatomy yet,what are you doing get on the bandwagon....
Posted by princess tiffany on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 01:55:00 PST

best day ever!

so all in one day...i got killers tix,my new digital camera came in the mail and my passport....and it's only 2:30.what more is there to come.oh and if you already think i take to much pics....well i ...
Posted by princess tiffany on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 01:25:00 PST

yay!long weekend!!!!!!

so the long weekend is here.i'm super excited.i get to celebrate valentines on saturday.dinner and the syncronize party.dancing with my honey all night.then sunday-markus shultz with my buddies.really...
Posted by princess tiffany on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:02:00 PST

my cat!

there is just something about the unconditional love a cat has for you.kisha's my bestfriend.always there for matter what.just looking at her makes me smile.she's been with me threw so much.i re...
Posted by princess tiffany on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 01:18:00 PST

i miss my man.....

as much as i LOVE having the place to myself for awhile.i actually do miss geoff.sometimes just the smell of a man is all you need.don't get me wromg i've totally enjoyed my night of myspace and lorch...
Posted by princess tiffany on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:52:00 PST

i love dancing......

i'm soo glad i made the venture after work.halo was sweeeeet!luke morrison always plays the best ass shakin was hot in there but so were we...hahaha.thanks guys it was fun!
Posted by princess tiffany on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 02:43:00 PST