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snatch- –verb (used without object) 1. to make a sudden effort to seize something, as with the hand; grab (usually fol. by at). –verb (used with object) 2. to seize by a sudden or hasty grasp: He snatched the old lady's purse and ran. 3. to take, get, secure, etc., suddenly or hastily. 4. to rescue or save by prompt action: He snatched the baby from the fire. 5. Slang. to kidnap. –noun 6. the act or an instance of snatching. 7. a sudden motion to seize something; grab: He made a snatch as if to stop her. 8. a bit, scrap, or fragment of something: snatches of conversation. 9. a brief spell of effort, activity, or any experience: to work in snatches. 10. Nautical. a sheave or projecting member serving as a fairlead. 11. a brief period of time. 12. Slang. an act of kidnapping. 13. Slang: Vulgar. vulva; vagina. 14. Weightlifting. a lift in which the barbell is brought in a single motion from the floor to an arms-extended position overhead.
...all that in one night... & what a night it is... Tampa & Snatch... hell yes!
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