Theatre, all types, reading, history, the Ren Faire,archeology,sci fi, Cartoon Network, Warner Bros Cartoons, Food Channel, History Channel and all of the Discovery Channels, did I mention THE RED SOX! And as, a neatnderthal vice..the WWE :) oh yeah..Beer too
Ben Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, The Mahatma, John Wilkes Booth, Ron Jeremy, just for beers, JFK, Spielberg..He won't regret it! :) Bill O'Reilly, to slap the taste out of his mouth.(Yeah, he'll probaly kill me ...eventually, but a very small, very private part of him will journey to hell with me)Benedict Arnold, just to get the straight scoop, George Clooney...He just seems kinda cool and Helena Bonham Carter..Just cuz
classical, 80's, alternative,some folk, jazz, Renassiance, Medieval..I'm pretty eclectic actually. Depends on my mood
depends on my mood..Any Pirate movie ever made..'specially the Burt Lancaster ones...Pirates of the Caribeann(sp) Rock! War movies, animation, John Wayne movies, silents..again..pretty eclectic
yup..see above
Sci Fi, History, Literature, equal amounts of the divine and the trash...Terry Pratchett is a current fave, Neil Gaiman. Heinlein and Harlan Ellison are GODS.
My Dad,(always), Lincoln, JFK, Muhammed Ali,US Grant, Ben Franklin