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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

44 y/o actor/admin assitant/handy man general jack of all trades with a knack for dialects and useless trivia. Been an actor for well over 20 years, mostly stage, a tiny bit of tv and films, trying to get more :) I've done enough to get my SAG card! Originally from Olde New England..Connecticut to be exact; the Constituiton State,ot the Nutmeg State and yes, I do know why it's called that. If you want to know ask ! I currently work in Pasadena and with the whatever theater needs an good actor. Lets the last 6 months, I've moved, gotten divorced, bought a new car...well, not new new, but new enough, got a new job, same as the ol job...back at Kaiser for like the third time and am debating on going back east. Anyone wants to contact me on the Pros and Cons of that, please do. Life goes on...Getting better all the time....right?

My Interests

Theatre, all types, reading, history, the Ren Faire,archeology,sci fi, Cartoon Network, Warner Bros Cartoons, Food Channel, History Channel and all of the Discovery Channels, did I mention THE RED SOX! And as, a neatnderthal vice..the WWE :) oh yeah..Beer too

I'd like to meet:

Ben Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, The Mahatma, John Wilkes Booth, Ron Jeremy, just for beers, JFK, Spielberg..He won't regret it! :) Bill O'Reilly, to slap the taste out of his mouth.(Yeah, he'll probaly kill me ...eventually, but a very small, very private part of him will journey to hell with me)Benedict Arnold, just to get the straight scoop, George Clooney...He just seems kinda cool and Helena Bonham Carter..Just cuz


classical, 80's, alternative,some folk, jazz, Renassiance, Medieval..I'm pretty eclectic actually. Depends on my mood


depends on my mood..Any Pirate movie ever made..'specially the Burt Lancaster ones...Pirates of the Caribeann(sp) Rock! War movies, animation, John Wayne movies, silents..again..pretty eclectic


yup..see above


Sci Fi, History, Literature, equal amounts of the divine and the trash...Terry Pratchett is a current fave, Neil Gaiman. Heinlein and Harlan Ellison are GODS.


My Dad,(always), Lincoln, JFK, Muhammed Ali,US Grant, Ben Franklin

My Blog

Thanksgiving doins

Hello Mr and Mrs America, fellow bloggers and all the ships at sea! Some serious geek points if you know where I cribbed that intro. Except for the fellow bloggers part of course.I hope everyone had a...
Posted by Tom on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 10:49:00 PST

New and exciting

Hi Ho World... What's doin out there. Another Blog for you to peruse, and dissect, and ponder. Is Tom finally going over the deepend? Is his world still crashing?Is he going to EVER shut the fuck up? ...
Posted by Tom on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:27:00 PST

Blatherings, life the universe and everything, including a vent or 6

Hello World...Greetings from the sardonically titled La La Land. It's been long ere I have given my general thoughts to the cosmos, so here they are. Lately, I've been in a serious rut. I really think...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:25:00 PST

Should I stay or should I go

Hey ho everyone, Greetings from the land of steady habits, the nutmeg state, the constituiton state, aka,Connecticut. I've been here the better part of a week...getting ready to return to LaLa La...
Posted by Tom on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 10:35:00 PST

New things, new times, hopefully new adventures

Hey Y'all...Been awhile since my last trip into the ether that is the internet. I hope all is well with everyone out there. It's been busy as all get out here. Sold the house finally. Still in it temp...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:25:00 PST

It's October.....

Hi Everyone... I hope all is well in your own little Universes, (Universi?). Here..It's ok actually...Things change, lie goes on and I'm fairly confident of the future at this point. I just finished ...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:31:00 PST

Untold Srories of the ER! I'm in it !

October 18th  Episode 409  "CRUSHED" Hi Everyone!! Sorry its's been so long between bllogs...lots been going on..More of an update blog later. But as listed above, on TLC is my episode of Untold St...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:56:00 PST

Am I normal?

I didn't think so, but I was expecting a bit more than this :) Are You Normal? Your Normalcy Quotient is: 38 out of 100. Your quiz results make you a Marvelous MaverickGiddy-up partner. You're a maver...
Posted by Tom on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:47:00 PST

General ramblings...

I promise not to get maudlin today if I can possibly help it :) My bruised psyche seems to be healing rather well. It's been generally uneventful the past few days, which is kinda good. I did buy a ne...
Posted by Tom on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 02:03:00 PST

May you live in interesting times....

May you live in interesting times is an old asian curse that you use when you don't want karma to come and bite you in the ass. I'm beginning to loathe it, as time for me lately have been more than in...
Posted by Tom on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 09:59:00 PST