The group is a Self help and Support group. This means you need to be ready to help yourself. We are not a counselling service.
We offer one to one support with a facilitator.
We can help you find counselling outside the group.
We offer friendship, understanding and a place to talk without being judged and gain some support.
I'm Dannie a support worker and facilitator at Girls Xpress! I'm not a counsellor but can listen to anything you want to express and give you advice and information. Everything is confidential.
You can also use this myspace to rant if you don't need or want a reply, message me with the title rant - I will always read them but I wont reply.
I will try to get back to everyone but I'm only in the office one day a week so it's difficult. I read all your messages, so know that you are heard! I will try to get back to all of you as soon as I can.
• Runner up in the Deutche Bank/ Common Purpose Spotlight Awards for young campaigners.
• Bright Young Things Harrow Observer Award.
• Princess Diana Memorial Award, Silver Award for Services to the community.
• Salesforce.com International Youth Media Maker Award in San Francisco.
• The founder of the group won a Harrow youth achievements award and an award for Services to the Community from Stanmore College.
• Girls Xpress! have also addressed World Leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, January 2005, about the growing international issue of Self Injury.
Projects and Workshops:
• Self Harm to Self Healing, Film and Music Making.
• Secret Soul, Creative Art workshop.
• Writing workshop, Creative writing and exploring different methods of writing.
• Reiki, a type of ancient healing involving gentle massage therapy and deep relaxation.
• Indian head massage.
• Tapping, Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
Quotes from Self Injurers:
"Self Injury is a distraction and it’s easier to deal with physical pain rather than emotional pain. When I cut myself I feel in control and have something to concentrate on rather than the painful emotions in my head."
“Self Injury for me is seeing my emotional scars physically, a form of release from bottled feelings.â€
“Self Injury for me is a way of getting my emotions out. Mostly feeling angry and hurt leads me to injuring myself because I feel that the situation at hand is my fault.â€
“When I’m angry I can’t release my emotions. It’s not easy for me to go for a walk or have a cigarette, watch TV or trash something! For me, these normal ways of coping would cause me more problems due to my parents. Cutting myself is the only thing I am in control of, it calms me down and forces me to take a step back and think rationally about my problems.â€
“Girls Xpress! Is the only place where I am comfortable talking about Self Harm.â€
Group User
“Without Girls Xpress! I don’t think I would have overcome a lot of self doubt I had.â€
Group User
“Being in the Girls Xpress! group has definitely helped me deal with Self Harm. The best thing is that I am around girls around the same age as me and who are going through similar things. I get motivation, advice and support from the other girls without being judged. I can talk about how Self Harm affects me really comfortably and I don’t feel stupid about the things I say. Girls xpress is the only place where I can do this without feeling like an outsider or someone not normal.â€
Group User
“Setting up Girls Xpress! Has been a great experience for me; it has helped me to overcome my own demons as well as helping other girls with theirs. Girls Xpress! helps show that we’re not alone!â€
Loz Mills
“I’ve come a long way since setting up the group. I feel that it empowers people and helps the girls through the issues that lead them to Self Harm. I have overcome a lot of issues of my own through the group and made many friends. Self Harm is no longer something I’m ashamed of.â€
Dannie Robinson
Anyone seeking advice or information about Self Injury. People who do Self Injure. Are at risk of Self Injury or are Recovering Self Injurers. Organistions that work with Self Injurers.