The Purpose Driven Wife Excerpt
I'm a registered nurse going through a trial separation from my husband. Things are pretty hard on my youngest son who will be graduating from high school this year. My oldest is out of college and he's really supportive so I'm lucky in that sense. My husband and I are going to counseling to see if we can work on our marriage. I'm at a stage where I'm seeing the world from a brand new perspective. Six months ago, I would have signed up for MySpace and claimed I was only doing it to swap recipes or some foolishness but in actuality I would have been looking for cyber sex, for validation from other people like me. I can admit that now and honestly say that the main reason I'm here today is to meet new people and expand my horizons . . . in lots of ways. I'm rediscovering my sexuality and I'm open to all sorts of new adventures. I've been sheltered my entire life and I've been guilty of being oblivious to the circumstances that surround me. Someone opened my eyes recently and I can't close them again.