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About Me

My husband and I moved to NYC almost 6 years ago, right after 911. Who knew we'd still be here and have a toddler, living in Brooklyn, and working like crazy. When I can, I work in the film industry in the wardrobe department. I'm also a great MOM!! and, I help my husband out with his photography business. (He's the talented one; I do a lot of paperwork for him!) Check out his website:

My Interests

Movies, books, cooking, crossword puzzles, knitting, wine, husband, BABY!!

I'd like to meet:

You know, in my business, I meet a lot of people. I've met all kinds of tv/film actors and personalities, but I won't bore you with name dropping here. I'd really like to meet President Bush, and a handful of other politicians. I'd really like to meet Elizabeth Wambui. She is a little girl in Kenya who David and I sponser. She is eight and likes to draw and recite poetry! She's also very good at throwing a ball! I look forward to meeting my ancestors someday in the afterlife. And, most importantly, I guess I look forward to meeting Jesus.


Almost anything, except rap or country, that I've listened to at least three times. Always The Beatles, always The Police. Those are constant. Also, 40's era jazz, Diana Krall, and almost anything my husband plays. He has really good taste in music.


Um, sorry to be a dork: Star Wars. It defined my generation. Also, Raiders, Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually, Nanny McPhee, Pulp Fiction, Sin City, Big Fish and all else by Tim Burton, Batman Begins, Spiderman, X-Men, and just about eveything else under the sun.


Gray's Anatomy (love Chandra Wilson and Kate Walsh), Ugly Betty, Brothers and Sisters, American Idol, Ellen


Anything by Jane Austen or Emily and Charlotte Bronte, and Mark Twain (esp. Conneticut Yankee...) Carl Hiassen, suspense thrillers, historical fiction, the Bible


I'm really inspired by Emma Thompson, although I'm not really into hero worship. Jesus died for me. I can't really say anyone else has done anything so self-sacrificing for someone so unworthy.

My Blog

Move 1/2 way Complete

Well, here we are. Our lives are in boxes. Daddy, Mommy, and Baby. All our lives are in boxes. Except for things which are very important. Make-up, computers, food, show bears, and yes, unfortuna...
Posted by Nicci on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 07:28:00 PST

Moving day.

I've got to blow off some steam. I mean, really. When was the last time you moved? What do you pack first? What do you leave out until the very end? Do I pack the kid's toys now, or on Moving Day...
Posted by Nicci on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 01:31:00 PST