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Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Give a man religion and he will starve to death PRAYING

About Me

I'm 26 years old, I have 2 children, Sonja & Olivia. I live in Washington, I used to live in California until April of 2004. I spend a lot of time at home with my children but I love to get out and spend time with my friends. I'm pretty goofy when I get to know you, but at first I am very shy. Little things embarrass me but I'm trying to overcome it. I suck at confrontation with people. ( OkCu Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Spending time with my two girls. I'm interested in guitar. Drawing and painting. Playing on the computer. Hanging out with my friends. Playing tennis. I also love playing poker, I like to watch poker on TV as well.
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I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet new, fun, and interesting people. I am trying to meet and make new friends every day.


I love everything but country, hardcore rap, and metal. My favorite is 80's music and oldies. I also like punk a lot. I haven't been too many concerts but the ones I have been to have been great. My first concert was 'Neil Diamond', it was awesome. My second concert was in Vegas, by a small time band called 'Train Wreck'. My third concert was 'Tenacious D', after the concert I GOT TO MEET JACK BLACK AND KYLE GAS, IT WAS GREAT. They signed our 'Tenacious D' DVDs. He commented on my shirt, it was hot. He was totally checking out the ladies. I've also seen the punk band 'Me First and the Gimme Gimmes' in Vegas, it was a birthday gift for my boyfriend. I was five months pregnant with my first daughter Sonja. I've recently seen a live band at diffent bars, 'Cone'. I know the lead singer. Him and his wife and son are really cool. His singing reminds me of 'The Talking Heads'.


One of my favorite movies is 'Death Becomes Her'. I also love 'Donnie Darko'. I'm a big fan of comedy. I'm not really into horror flicks. I especially hate horror movies that could really happen to people, like 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre'. I love movies that you have to figure out or that have a twist or two at the end, like 'Unbreakable', 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind', 'Punch Drunk Love', 'Lost in Translation', can't forget 'Fight Club' or 'Pulp Fiction'.


My most favorite TV show is 'Friends'. I have all ten seasons on DVD. I also love 'The Shield', 'Nip Tuck', 'CSI Las Vegas', 'Seinfield', now I'm really into 'Greys Anatomy'. I'm not into the reality TV that's on now.


I love the author S.E. Hinton, she has written 'That Was Then This Is Now', 'Rumble Fish', and 'The Outsiders'. (fact; in order to get published she initialed her first and middle name so the publishers couldn't tell she was a women.)


Single working moms. I live on my own with my two girls and it is very difficult, it can be very stressful. So props to all those single moms trying to make it out there. I feel your pain. =)

My Blog


Why are we given a book to follow and base our life around that makes no sense? i.e. the bible. What I get from it, for example; god created us in his image, right?, and studies have shown that we us...
Posted by teene on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 07:45:00 PST

halloween slideshow 2006

Get Your Own! | View Slideshow...
Posted by teene on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:56:00 PST


Hey everyone, here is the most recent professional picture of my two daughters Sonja and Olivia. Let me know if you can't see the pic. Thanks. ...
Posted by teene on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:25:00 PST


Hey ya'l, just want everyone to know that I finally got a job. I make good money doing shipping/manufacturing. 4 10 hr days so I get Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Buyah!! It's very labor intensive...
Posted by teene on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:43:00 PST