music , dance , art, books , song writing , poetry, pagents, design, jewlery design, and chilling wit my man and our friends.
"hatters are ever where i im used to them" from my song pimin dance.
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: chocolate brown or green if i have my contacts in
Hair Color:: nartual mud brown, died blond and in the wrods of my sister Puerto Rican red
Height:: 5' 5"
Favorite Color:: purple and ice blue
Screen Name:: witch one on yahoo its hardkoreanjel on aol its anjelclass of 07
Favorite Band:: dose fav rapper count i love jay z and singer chris brown and well band i have to say hoobastank and well pretty ricky
Favorite Movie:: the huanting that movie is too funny
Favorite Show:: the boondocks the grils next door and the big and rob show
Your Car:: don't have one YET
Your Hometown:: queens new york and the mond
Your Present Town:: coving ton, newton county, aka the boondocks
Your Crushes First Name:: i really am not answering that one i may get cursed out
Your Grade:: i've graduated '06 baby but i rep that 07!
Your Style:: urban, preppy urban , classic, umm well me
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: naw i am too short toget up there
Kissed someone in the rain?: yes well dose kissing them in the car while its raining out side count
Danced in a public place?: yes all the time im a dancer
Smiled for no reason?: yeah weed is a intersting drug
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: yeah i preffer not to talk about it
Written a song?: yes im a song writtter
Sang to someone for no reason?: yes all the time i woo people that way
Performed on a stage?: yes singer dancer its what i do
Talked to someone you don't know?: yea h i talk alot so yeah
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: ummm not really
Made out in a theatre?: yeah
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yes it was freshman year but yeah
Been in love?: yes many times
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: tone
Tell you, I love you?: mymy
Kiss you?: justin yuk
Hug you?: justin yuk
Tell you BYE?: tone
Write you a note?: wow that was a long time ago chris at faith academy if your reading this your ahottie to bad you engaged
Take your photo?: peanutbutter
Call your cell phone?: wow lets see it just got cut off like twoo weeeks ago so umm i think it was peanut
Buy you something?: well it was wit his money so yeah peanut
Go with you to the movies?: ronald
Sing to you?: maya
Write a poem about you?: maya
Text message you?: that sexy dread head and my play boprther nate
Touch you?: in what way umm my sister
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: umm eairler tonight my sister is a fool and i was watching haunting and we we're playing uno
Time you cried?: ummm december 30 ass whole
Movie you watched?: haunting love that movie
Joke you told?: umm i think i was saying something like, " let me rewind that it almost toook her eye out.. listen to her scream o thats funny" u had to be waching the movie
Song you've sang?: Do me like this.... i wrote it
Time you've looked at the clock?: like 3 min ago it was 4:40 am i have insomnia
Drink you've had?: rasberry kool aid
Number you've dialed?: 404762****
Book you've read?: ummm i think it was this book called click well read the whole thing talia i needto borrow that book or the name of it so i can buy it
Food you've eaten?: cream of weat
Flavor of gum chewed?: umm gum flavored it was that 99cent gum
Shoes you've worn?: white well drity white flip flops
Store you've been in?: kroger
Thing you've said?: goodnight
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: i can draw dose that count i can do other things too
Whistle?: yes
Blow a bubble?: yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes
Cross your eyes?: yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: naw to the bottom of my chin though
Dance?: yeah umm dancer
Gleek?: is that like geek liek when your high cause if so then greak i can geek
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yes did that like two days ago
Speak a different language?: umm during sex
Impersonate someone?: yes my mother, father, grand mother, both aunts, uncle, and a couple of my cusions
Prank call people?: naw dont see the point
Make a card pyramid?: i tried but my add kicked in and i nocked it down nd played cards
Cook anything?: yes im a regular beddi crocker i bake and cook and clean uh just call me wifey
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: rich life would be better i think
I wish ...: i had a record deal
So many people don't know that ...: i can cook they think i burn everything
I am ...: like a flexi string i can bend
hip hop, rap, rnb, bascily any thing that sounds good.
nothing scary
mostly crime show , myth busters, and the food network ( everything on there but emrald), good eats, semi- homeade, funny i love to watch cooking shows but i hate to cook until resently.
i admit it i love harry potter so sue me
my family, my sister, donte rip 1/22/06 you will be missed