Angela profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

The facts are as thus:I love kids/babies. I'm afriad of mayonaise. The rain is the only thing that really gets me. If you think I'm strange now, just wait until you get to know me. I never know where my keys are. I don't really like people situations unless I know the people very well. I miss my family. Subconciously, I'm trying to impress you and the rest of the world (if you haven't noticed it's what people do). I have come to believe that the world is not seperated into Christians and bad people, or good people and bad people for that matter. We are all imperfect and fall short of the glory of God. Random and inconsistent are the only words to decribe my lifestyle. And God loves you and I do too (or at least I try to)! Layouts, web graphics, web help and more!

My Interests

Writing, psychology, infants, small children, and RPGing. ..

I'd like to meet:

Someone with a thought process similar to mine, my father about 16 years ago, or Donald Miller.


Rock and alternative, Christian rock and alternative, classical, old rock, some old country, and a little of everything else.


Dead Poet Society, AI, The Emperor's Club, Creul Intentions, Winnie the Pooh, Aladin, Green Street Hooligans, "V" for Vendeta, Aeon Flux, The Matrix trilogy, Moulan Rouge, movies that make you feel enlighened when they end. ..


Normally I despise television but when I do give in I like the History channel, Discovery, C-SPAN, and ocasionally USA. ..


Donald Miller, The Dark Tower series, the Harry Potter series, basically good fantasy and philosophy. ..


Granny, Ginny Taylor, Donald Miller, Bill Clinton (don't look at me in that tone of voice), and James Carmack (hopefully spelled correctly).

My Blog

to save space...

I'm combining all the things I've wanted to blog about recently so here goes: Christianity: Good vs. EvilFor a very long time now, I have considered myself a good person, not a great one but a good on...
Posted by Angela on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:14:00 PST

Age old questions

"Who am I?"  And, "What am I doing with my life?"  The age old questions that everyone must face.  Here I am, pleading for existance to answer, as so many have done before me.  I w...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:14:00 PST


......... I guess that's all that needs to be said........
Posted by Angela on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 05:53:00 PST

Drinker's Remorse

That feeling you get when you wake up and the haze of alcohol is gone.  You open your eyes and see the world clearly, too clearly, the half-light is too bright so you roll over and shut your eyes...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 05:31:00 PST

I hate myself

Sick wieght in my stomach, my limbs ache and tremble.  No thought, just instinct.  I want to run, need to run.  I sprint to my car and get in.  I sit there shaking for a few second...
Posted by Angela on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:47:00 PST

Open your eyes

This is not something written by me.  It's something that I like to go back and read when things begin to feel monotonus.  I've always wanted to share this article and now I have been given ...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:21:00 PST

So this Myspace thing...

Well folks, it apears that I have been sucked into the world of myspace.  I haven't yet deciced whether I am happy about this new developement.  Mainly it shows me that I have too much free ...
Posted by Angela on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 10:45:00 PST