ironskulls profile picture


mellow out or you will pay

About Me

Eatin' spam...and oreos and drinkin' Thunder Bird, baby.

My Interests

faye, veganism, our dog and cats, eating, camping, travelling, records, thrift stores, vintage junk.

I'd like to meet:

Levis, Nikes, old Vinyl, cool animals.


black sabbath, black flag, bad brains, the stooges, randy holden, pentagram, cro-mags, motorhead, ac/dc, thin lizzy, siege, deep wound, void, negative approach, etc.


slapshot, caddyshack, fast times at ridgemont high, das boot, the wild bunch, straw dogs, clockwork orange, the wicker man, the kids are alright, solaris, cross of iron, the holy mountain.


arrested development, COPS, red sox when they're on non-cable tv.


sagas of the icelanders, stalingrad, lord of the rings, a clockwork orange, no exit, the stranger, the metamorphosis, gravity's rainbow, maldoror, please kill me, hell's angel.