Myspace Layouts at / Malcolm x
Myspace Layouts at / Malcolm x
*****Legacy: something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past*****This year I did not go out for my birthday, I didn't do most of my yearly rituals we all have, reneging from personal reflection and changing for the better to an evening of substance abuse, mild violence and unprotected sex. This year I chose to spend the day with my Grand Mother, who is in a nursing home, and being prepared to be moved to a hospice facility for her impending death. The fact that she is dying is relevant the reasons are not. My grand mother and I have had a rocky relationship and it is funny that I may be the last one of her grandchildren she may see. My Grandmother is of Native American, Polish and German descendents and most of her life she has had, to say the least, a limited view on race relations, especially when it comes to white and black. For example when my parents were married my father's mother made pillow cases with flowers and my mother's mother gave them ones with KKK quilted on them, she also referred to me has her NIGGLET. Now that I've said that, let me explain why I'm writing this. After years of being exiled from one side of my family, after I jointed the Air Force everything changed. She opened up to me and other than calling my ex-wife "that cute colored girl"; she has been reformed, so to speak. Now that you understand a little about the background, this is the point. After years of racist sentiments and actions her last views on life were to right the wrongs of her life. As she prepares to cross over the only thing on her mind is what she will leave behind, not in material wealth and property but a legacy. How will the scales of God show her worth? This is a view shared by all who know they are about to die. Now, learning her experiences and understanding her new position on life, gave me the feeling "why wait". Why wait until your time is close to over to initiate the change in paradigm, this needs to be a concept shared by all, no matter what age or condition. For the healthiest person can be killed or fall ill, in which case logical deduction shows, that each day should be used to move in a direction to help others, to defend those who can not defend them selves, and to acquire wisdom. For when you reach your transition nothing that you have acquired will go with you nor will you be judged on the power you have amassed. Love has a strange way of showing it self to the clear mind and the ones you despised are usually the ones you see in the end. I listened to her quite almost un-comprehendible voice, speaking to our ancestors, who have long since passed. I heard her laugh as she relieved experiences of her youth. I looked in her blue glassy eyes and I could see her regrets leaving her and the cares of this world fleeting. We all forget the basics on our walk through life, but you are guaranteed to remember in the end. The only things you will leave on this earth when you leave are your children and your Legacy. What will you leave an obscure story that will fade with time or will you show the world that your life had purpose, you spent your time teaching the ignorant, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, or if need be fighting or dying for the will, of the collective people.*****The Evolution of our Governments*****Evolution part 2I like many people have spent the greater part of my life seeking the answers to why life seems so hard for so many and so easy for so few. I have wondered why our government systems seem to be counter productive to the needs and desires of their citizens. I have recently read a book that has shed a great light on not just the effects that plague our perspective societies but also the underlying causes. A business associate of mine in Atlanta knew of my wish to learn about governmental power and politics and sudjested that they may not be as, in control as I and all of us as citizens have been led to believe. Our discussion led us to a book called "The Beast of Jekyll Island", this was a book that I will only summarize because I believe it should be required for all citizens of the U.S. and all countries that it holds influence over. On my next trip to the library I inquired about the book because I could not find it on any shelf. The librarian and I finally sat down to search for it over the Internet. We were both astonished to find that this work was now listed under the forbidden books of the US. Now I could not obtain this work thru public library sources so I finally found a PDF version of it on the web. I was more intrigued than ever to find out why a book based on economic systems and the creation of the Federal Reserve, could be considered to be forbidden. This book breaks down the entire structure of the U.S. federal reserve, how it was unconstitutional from its very conception, who the PRIVATE stockholders who control it and your currency and why they have taken the power from the governments and away from the people who inhabit this earth. As I said this is a required book for all of those who want to know the truth about power in this world and who posses it and why. It is a map of the creation of central and world banking systems and shows who the families are who control them all. Armed with this new knowledge I have begun to reconstruct my views on reality and how easy as a global people all of the pain and suffering we inflict upon each other could cease. Monetary systems are based on the law of value and the law of value is merely an idea that can be easily manipulated, especially by the creators of the system. This system is solely based on intangible myths this is the underlying cause for the majority of atrocities man inflicts upon himself. We as Americans share many myths yet the largest myths we share we regard as truth. Such as our so-called Democracy. In a true democracy the citizens vote to elect officials they feel portray their values and other moral issues. Yet through the American political process the number of nominees is narrowed down to a few wealthy candidates who are generally on opposing politically parties but share the same corporate and private interests. These corporate and private dedicate vast amounts of political capital and media coverage to the candidates who then orchestrate these grand theatrical events on moral values with passionate debates on issues that the people wish to improve, yet politician after politician after elected conditions only worsen. The reason behind this is that politicians are no longer in control of their elected or nominated positions; they either give into corporate pressures or are the corporate interests. A glimpse of this is the fact that although the US people see the democrats as the answer to the war in Iraq if you knew that the Democrats hold more corporate in the defense contracts going into Iraq would you still feel that way. It is quite simple once you control the currency and/or finances everything else will then fall into place. Revelations in the Bible speaks of a time when with out the mark of the beast you will not be able to obtain food or the other necessities needed for your survival. It is quite apparent that many people are in fact now suffering this fate. A few days ago I was in a shopping mall in Ft. Lauderdale, as I won my way out in the food court a homeless man was asking for a portion of the food the staff of one of the venues was about to throw out. The staff member replied that they would give him some water but wee not allowed to give him the food even though they were about to throw it out. This is a sick practice and a clear sign of the fall of humanity and a slap to the face of God. Replacing him with an idolization of currency and power over our fellow man. All modern wars been fought not for the protection, or preservation of the people but for profit, population control, or for the extraction of public resources. The proof of this also lies in the statistics of war it self. This was shown to me by Mummia Abu Jamal in on of his lectures, if you think of the monetary price of war, trillions of dollars or other currencies spent to mobilize an army and sustain it and the citizens it is attempting to protect, then think how much of an effect that amount of currency, man power and wasted life would have had on a diplomatic level. It could have provided enough food or whatever resource required, to quel any situation if handled by diplomats who were actually acting for the will of the people involved. The underlying fact of this is that man is unwilling to de-commoditize the basic necessities of human life for fear of lost profits. At any given time there is enough food wasted in North America to eradicate hunger in at least the northern hemisphere. Recently in Haiti riots broke not because of a food shortage but because the people could not afford the food that is on the shelves ready for consumption. Robert Zoellick of the World Bank immediately offered help to the government of Haiti by issuing loans, in which are interest barring loans in which the citizens pay back the interest through taxation. Now if they already cannot afford the food how can they afford the price of the interest on a tens of millions dollar This means that this loan will quell a disaster but starts the clock on a new already pending disaster that was planned from the beginning. These interest barring loans are the cause for economic decay not only in Haiti but also in all countries even here in the U.S. These banking systems were built for profit and are acting only in the interest of the stockholders that control the system. People and their governments are powerless as long as they remain under these centralized systems. How do you end this cycle of generation after generation born into this cycle and brain washed into its dependence? The answer is simple but the method brings the complexities. The answer is simply to withdraw from the system and force the governmental reform of our entire financial system. This is a truly drastic measure yet completely necessary because any eternal reform on a particular issue or section will only lead us back to the same situation. The stock holders of the banks of the federal reserve are private and there for not part of your government and must be completely removed for reformation of our economic to take place. But before this we must all come to grip that if the only way to obtain the necessities for your existence is through currency than this dependency will never stop and eventually all currency, resources and there for power will lie with those who created the system. Ask your self did food exist before the World Bank, of course it did. Another fact that we do not see is the creators of the system do not use the system. Their true power is draining the resources of the country through the system. The resources have the power not the currency that is based on myth, even the gold that our currency is based on now seems to be based This all ends with all of the people of this world being forced into a state of indentured servitude to this system and its stock holders. As I stated earlier the answer is simple the method is complex, we must all as a global people come together and devise a system where the needs of all the inhabitance of this earth are met first and the imperialistic views of the self acclaimed global masters are crushed along with their ideas and then has a global people we can begin an unrestricted era of mental and spiritual growth ending dependency on all systems built on lies and hypocrisy.
All who have faught and died for what they believe in. ****************************************************** THE INFORMATION ON MY PAGE IS TO ENLIGHTEN AND THE INFORMATION ON MY PAGE CAN AND IS MANIPULATED, BY THOSE MYSELF AND OTHERS ARE TRYING TO EXPOSE, SO PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.......................................... ****************************************************** This year on the 4th of July people form the entire globe will stand up for oppression, this global peoples movement is in its infancy, coming into awareness about the threats of Globalization. PLEASE WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO SAY WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH AND IT IS TIME TO TAKE OUR PERSPECTIE COUNTRIES BACK FROM GLOBILIZATION AND BIG BUSINESS AND BRING OUR CULTURES AND TRADTIONS BACK TO WHERE THEY BELONG….If you do not believe in the New World Order, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT! “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.â€North American Union and False Flag Operations: This is number of videos showing the dark side of American Political Policies and how they affect its citizens and the world at large. 9/11 and more….Creature from Jekyll Island and the coming Amero: The truth behind the U.S. economic system and the creation of the Federal Reserve.MKULTRA: MIND CONTROL IN AMERICA "MUST SEE" Description: Mind control (not to be confused with "brainwashing") refers to a broad range of psychological tactics able to subvert an individual's control of his own thinking, behavior, emotions, or decisions. The concept is closely related to hypnosis[citation needed][dubious -- discuss], but differs in practical approach.SLAVERY AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING ARE STILL ALIVE AND EXPANDING PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO EDUCATE YOUR SELF AND YOUR CHILDRENPRESIDENTIAL DIRECTIVES NSPD 51 AND HSPD 20, THESE DIRECTIVES GIVE DIRTORIAL POWER TO THE PRESIDENT WITH NO CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL WHICH IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!Bush & Cheney's Federal Felony: Destroying CIA RecordsForewarned Is Forearmed: Bush On IranCFR Council Of Foreign Relations How They CONTROL THE MEDIAMUMIA ABU JAMAL Description: Commentaries by Mumia Abu JamalMy Heroes are honored here for their guidance, wisdom and courage to stand up to oppression. We love and miss you all, and for those who are still fighting you have my undying devotion.NIKOLA TESLA Description: THE LIFE AND WORK OF NIKOLA TESLADescription: Commentaries ARUNDHATI ROY WE: ARUNDHATI ROY************************************* "We" is a fast-paced 64 minute documentary that covers the world politics of power, war, corporations, deception and exploitation. ****************************************************** THE FULL DOCUMENTARY FOLLOW LINK http://freedocumentaries. org/theatre. php?filmid=112&id=808&wh=1000x720 ARUNDHATI ROY IS A HEROINE OF MINE AND I WOULD URGE ALL THAT CAN TO SUPPORT HER CAUSE IN ANY WAY, FOR IT IS YOUR CAUSE AS WELL.... ****************************************************** Old School Description: Jams from back in the day.... When music was music... World Visitor Map
Old school 60's, 70's and 80's, Hiphop, R&B, Reggae, Neo Soul, Jazz, Blues, and Salsa
LOOSE CHANGE, The five Heartbeats, Love Jones, The color Purple, Menace to Society, Smokin Aces, Motorcycle Diaries and a million more. I mostly watch Documentaries, fact is far more interesting than fiction and usually more horrifying. If you are like me here are some sites you may wish to support.
http://freedocumentaries. org/
http://www. guba. com/all/video/Documentary/homeHere are some of my personal favorites:
http://freedocumentaries. org/theatre. php?filmid=112&id=808&wh=1000x720
http://freedocumentaries. org/film. php?id=94
http://freedocumentaries. org/film. php?id=198
http://freedocumentaries. org/film. php?id=171
TV KILLS and to hell with all those who try to control what you see and hear. RESEARCH MJ12 OR THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS AND LEARN WHY YOU ARE STUCK TO THE TUBE......
http://therealnews. com/t/index. php
http://www. guerrillanews. com/
If you are not sick of me yet, try my youtube channel
http://www. youtube. com/user/anthonynathaniel
Kill your TV
http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=6MVc3toCslk
THE CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND,The Book of Enoch,The Art of War, The Prince, Think and go Rich by Nepollian Hill, The Bible, The Quran, The Tora, The Servant, The Discorces, Pimp by Iceburg Slim, How to catch a super fox, and anything to do with Quantom Mechanics, Physics and Politics.
Huey P. Newton, Malcom X "Lakim Shabazz", Martin Luther King, Mozell Anthony, Lonnie Anthony, Nepollian Hill, Nikola Tesla, Nelson Mandella, Che' and any one who will lie down pride and public favor to fight for what they believe in. "Viva Revolution" We can all make a difference