BDSM, sex, shopping, girlie stuff, PORN the kinkier the better, sex and ummm...did I say sex
Really cool people who can chat and hang. NOT "Act the fool"
A little bit of everything... I will list what I have in my realplayer...Soon..I don't have time right now :-)
What type of person do you attract? Your Result: You attract unstable people!
Congrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.