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Big Joe

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About Me

Hi, Hola, Hey, Hello, Howdy, How's It Goin, What It Do, Wut It Iz, How It Do, What It Be, & Whatz up? My name is.. Joseph but everybody calls me BIG JOE! I was born September 3rd, 1984 in Louisville, Kentucky. I lived my first 6 years of my life in the northern states moving from place to place until finally my family relocated us here, in Alabama. I went through a lot of different trying and difficult situations throughout my childhood and teenage years but it only made me stronger. Enough of the past though.. Currently, I am a 22 year old prodigy in the making. I am the CEO of Unique Kreations and an in-house engineer 4 Ken P Productions. "It's all about the doller, greens the only color, seems that we got more in common than we thought with each other".. for real though, I have a baby on the way supposed to be due around January 31st, 2008 so I'm tryna do what everything I can do to make my beautiful fiancee and my child comfortable. On the flip side, I'm all bout gettin down on sum real shh. so Holla at me if u wanna know mo'about the whiteboy they call BIG JOE.
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2 Pac - I Aint Mad At Cha

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My Interests

"I'm interested in anything that isn't boring" - Me. Lol 4Real... I'm sumwhat of a 'party' person I guess.. but not 4 real. I mean I'm still in my college faze so I like 2 have fun but don't get it twisted, I take care of minez.. Otherstuff I like is music production, poetry out-spoken word, charcoal drawing & painting, and all of the other fine arts. Sorry can't type everything I do unless I know ya......

I'd like to meet:

I wanna be a rockstar baby! I want people to want to meet ME so I mean, it's whatever... I'm a 'people person' so I'm down for the ball, kna'mean? Definetly looking for up & comin TALENT so if u think you got what it takes to make it in the MUSIC INDUSTRY then holla at me. I got connects in pretty much every thing music related so just let me kno sumthin' Look, if you're interested in what you hear, see, read, or by any other means wanna talk 2 me, hit me up and we can talk business.


Music is always been my 1st love. I prefer hip-hop over every other genre but I make different types of beats for different people. It's really whoever pays gets it done. I say I do about 60% hip-hop, 20% gospel, & 20% country/rock-n-roll/alternative. MUSICIANS talk to me about possible JOB OPENINGS and further information about the setup.


300, Scarface, Man On Fire, Forrest Gump, Jackass 2, Saw 3, Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2, 8 Mile, etc. there's too many to mention!


Criss Angel Mindfreak's the F***ING MAN(or the devil)!!! check 'im out


A Painted House by John Grisham... I like reading pretty much anything he ever wrote


Derek Briscoe R.I.P. I LOVE YOU FOREVER BRO!!!

My Blog

My baby Boy!!!!

Ashley and me went to her  first baby-doctor appointment yestderday and got her first ultrasound!!!!!  I was sooo happy that it almost made me cry.. lol... She is about 3 1/2/ months pregnan...
Posted by Big Joe on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 11:42:00 PST