About Me
About Me:
*im a coffee addict *im a music lover (LOVE SONGS)*shopaholic *cheese lover. i cant live without: ~havaianas~ ~cellphone~ ~coffee shops~ ~My ipod~ ~cheek tint~ ~lip balm~ ~concealer~ ~ My internet connection~ ~sundae caramel~. i really hate pretenders, fugly sluts, Lowlife fags, spycho craps and pathetic whore. and OH! POSERS, PLEASE DONT ADD ME. u can leave now:) THANKS!basic Facts:
*Russell January Villa-Abrille Lelis.
*17 years old.
*proud to be a DAVAOENYO.
*SINGLE. and lovin' it!♥♥♥
*narcissist, is so the right word for me.
*spoiled brat.
*im thin.
*i love my life coz its fabulous.
*i am MiSS CAMERON of Call Of duty 4.
*i love god (though its not obvious) LOL.
*i love my family and F.R.I.E.N.D.S
*smoking is my hobby.
*drinking is next in line.
*i love to travel.
*i heart HIM but he doesnt even care.:(
*im one of a kind.
*happy go lucky.
*i hate school stuffs.
*i love to LAUGH.
*crying is a NO-NO.
*i love to talk, talk and talk.
*i heart hairspray.
*i heart Matt Long, coz he is such a cutie.
*i love to party!!.
*im not perfect
*im just living my life the way i want it.interests:
milk tea, coffee, pictures, cellphone, ipod, digicam, fashion accessories, STILLETOS, skinny jeans, satin tops, oversized tops, tongue ring, belly ring, liquid eyeliner, tattoo, rhumcoke, blue margarita, daiquiri, gin tonic, billiards, clubbin, dirty dancing, CASINO (SLOT MACHINES AND BACCARAT) cigars, contact lenses, baked mac, fresh fruit salad, strawberry milk shake, coke float, sundae caramel, vintage bags, vintage sandals, twin popsies, PESTO PASTA, chips, VEGETABLES SALAD, sunglasses, mints, hairbrush, mirror lip stain, shopping, counter strike, call of duty 4, nail polish, movie marathon, popcorn, Friendster, myspace, ice cream, corn flakes and yakisoba.movies:
mOrTuaRy, tHe nUn, siLenT hiLL, iNtO tHe bLuE, tHe fOg, goiN' tHe diStaNce, oLd sChoOL, wiNteR bReAk, sEreNdiPitY, hOt chiCk, vAniLLa sKy, hOuSe oF waX, tHe dAy aFter tOmoRrOw, nOt aNotHEr tEeN moVie, nAtiOnaL lAmpOoN, nOvO, pReTtY cOoL, tHe pErfEct mAn, cHEaPer bY tHE DoZEn, fIrSt dAugHteR, jUsT mArRieD, cHAsiNg liBErTy, hAvOc, ZaThUrA, fiNAL dEstiNAtiON 3, tHe ruLes Of aTtRAcTioN, mEaN gUrLs, gEt a CLuE, i Am SaM, GiGli, a CiNdEReLLa StOrY, PrINcEsS DIaRieS 2, 50 1sT DaTEs, thE paReNt tRap, ExorCiSt, hOw 2 LOse A Guy In 10 dAys, sOuL pLanE, fOrResT gUmp, t0rquE, taLe oF 2 SisTerS, 2 fAst 2 FUrIouS, sEcRet WinDoW, cOLd CrEeK mAnOr anD aRe We ThErE YEt?.books:
~~**~~cHIcKeN sOUp fER tHe tEenAgE sOuL 3~~**~~
~~**~~thE gUrLs gUidE tO LoviNg yOuRsELf~~**~~
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