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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

Greeting and salutations good soldiers of MySpace... I live in a place called Gauteng in the southern part of Africa. I moved from the exex-capital city of Pretoria (now baffling known as Tshwane) away from the comforts and luxuries of home to the now ex-capital Johannesburg about 4 years ago to pursue a BSc degree at The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). In the years i've stayed here i've lived in Melville, Randpark Ridge, Radiokop, Linden and am now living with my sister in a lovely flat in Robindale...
I wrote the final exams of my final year in the early part of November 2006 having majored in microbiology and experimental physiology. I've received my final marks for physiology as well as micro and 'tis with a heavy heart that this reporter confirms his fears regarding having stuffed up one of my final papers ultimately causing me to miss the honours cut by a mere couple of percent. I suppose the competition was intense (they receive in excess of 200 applications with only 10 positions available). The sad truth is a BSc isn't worth all that much without it as I've already sent loads of CVs out for a career in micro only getting interviews for the most mundane positions (with the type of work being intuitive to a redundant rodent for example)
A large part of me is made up of my alterego, Ryan Styles. Ryan Styles is a vinyl slut who stops at nothing to find all sorts of dirty, chunky, tech'd up, get down stuttering house grooves and came to being about 5 years ago (deary me, how time flies). I don't dedicate the necessary time to nailing top residencies and have been a bit slack in music purchasing of late, albeit understandable given the rest on my plate. I have played at some of Johannesburg's top parties though and am proud to have played at the likes of: Sweet Sessions, KISS, The Deeper Sounds of Coco Loco tour, On The House (An extremely successful underground production I'm involved in), Carfax, Groovebar, Sunnyside Up, etc. The last year has found me gobbled up by turntablism and scratching has added an extra dimension to Styles' sets. The most commonly found producers in my box are: Switch/Solid Groove (is this guy for real? I mean, every single time he just delivers beats that stop you in your tracks and headfuck you when its business time), Lee Mortimer (also absolutely on top of his game), Jesse Rose, Trevor Loveys, Mike Monday, Akufen, Inland Knights, Style of Eye, Swag, Jacob London, John Tejada, Steve Bug, Troydon, Greenskeepers, lots of Classic records, lots of Spectral/Ghostly records, Herve, Audio Bully's, John Dahlback, Sound Republic, and a whole lot of etc's. Early inspirations come from Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Orbital, Leftfield, Fatboy Slim, ETC. I'm in the process of wading through the great vastness that is music production. Reason wired into Cubase is my currently employed strategy and this mischievous duo are steadily developing into a very definate black hole which feasts merrily on my time.
I work as a spinning instructor (also known as indoor cycling) for Virgin Active. I currently do a minimum of 10 classes a week in several of the Northern gyms. It's been good to me as it pays well, pays you to keep fit, free gym membership and takes a minimal amount of my time.
SCUBA diving is one of my favorite hobbies (if you can even call it that) and is something I feel particularly passionate about. I'm a member of Sharklife (sharklife.co.za), a group fighting to curb the senseless mass extermination of these unbelievable creatures. I've been lucky this year and seen 3 zambezi sharks (3rd most dangerous in the world), 60 black tip reef sharks, 40 hammerheads & 50 ragged-tooth sharks. Some might deem this insanity, but they pay no attention to you underwater provided you're not bleeding and interacting with them in such close proximity is a genuinely awe-inspiring experience.
Anyways, that's about enough of that. There's much which makes up me. I love the printed word and am always in the middle of a book; I like challenges; I've climbed the highest mountain in Africa; I cherish my sense of humour and the very front of the roller coaster is the best place to be (I wish I could travel by roller coaster); my first sky dive (from 10000 feet aka 3300m aka 3.3km in the sky) was the most thrilling experience of my life followed closely by my first encounter with a great white shark; I've met many marvelous mates along life's meander - here's to tomorrow.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Liam Howlett for the musical gift that is The Prodigy.
Dave Taylor aka Solid Groove/Switch/Modeler/ Induceve/ Sinden&Bruckheimer because everything he touches is just hacked up to high heavens and (pauses to ponder on euphemism use) is invariably fat as fuck.
Matt Groening as the Simpsons will forever have a special place in my heart.
Ralph Steadman & Stanley Donwood cause i'm a big fan of their respective art. Their drawings, doodles & general damaging of paper are incredible.
Hunter S Thomson cause I reckon conversation with him must've been the antipode to dull. Plus i've yet to 'meet' anybody (well, as far as actual meetings go) as indifferent to oxygen as the late great Gonzo journalist.
John Cleese, Eddie Izzard, Billy Connolly, George Carlin & the late great Bill Hicks because (in my humble opinion of course) they're the funniest people who've walked the planet. Ever. Well, perhaps since the king of "yo mamma so fat, dat when she jump fo' joy - she get stuck". These people look at the world differently, they have to, and I can really identify with their demented and twisty commentaries. Also, it takes some pretty serious bowling balls to back yourself enough to stand in front of a the harsh reality of a load of non-laughing strangers with nothing but your mind to fall back on.
Jennifer Saunders cause she wrote one of my favorite TV shows ever, Absolutely Fabulous.
QBert as he's the best of the best in terms of the scratch dj's. Surely the human hand can't move that fast.
Gregory House & Alan Shore (even though they're fictional) as you can have nothing but respect for left of center characters on the absolute top of their respective games whose intelligence and intellect elevate them above the rest...The Dali Lama

My Blog


House music is healthy ladies and gents. Have you heard some of the shit that's coming through at the moment???????? It's sick. SICK. I really can't articulate how much i'm loving this crazy in yo fac...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 04:46:00 GMT

Mmm, choice

Mmm, now let me see / whether Fabric or Turnmills it shall be. Day one in the London down. Had a corker. Now off to a club. More to come. But for now, it's TOTALLY TURNMILLS TIME BABY ;) 2 Phunked Up ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 13:57:00 GMT

My last day in South Africa

So, after the rapid coming together of a spontaneous plan - I find myself saying this is the last day i'll spend in South Africa for the next little piece of the forseeable future. I'm a whole heap of...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 21:39:00 GMT

Long overdue rant about the evil that is ABSA advertising (wtih extra irritability)...

  This has been a long time coming, slowly festering within the darkest catacomb of my soul. Fully acknowledging the strength of the verb (well done mom) - I can catagorically and emphatically st...
Posted by on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 16:34:00 GMT

Soon to be Stylin' in the UK

So there you have it peeps. I'm just back from the travel agent and have booked a ticket outta Jozi on the eve of the 23rd day of March landing in Heathrow in the morrow of the 24th... Not sure what I...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 05:05:00 GMT

I feel like writing some poetry

Below is a poem entitled Summer that i've been working on for a while. I struggled with the rhyming couplets and iambic pentameter but it eventually came together. Hope you like it...ITS FUCKING HOT I...
Posted by on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:49:00 GMT

For those in Joburg, check out the following:

Tuesday the 30th of January - Sunday the 4th of February @ The Market Theatre: Loyiso Goyo for president: Loyiso Gola has been described in comedy and media circles as "the next big thing in South Afr...
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 04:04:00 GMT

Okay universe, what are you trying to say???

*nervously glances around* So what digital detective has been hired to do my head in today??? Remember peeps, sanity is not a plaything (I think). After an innocent breakfast with my mad mate Mat...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 03:52:00 GMT

Shortest blog post in the history of ever?

My goodness gracious me, Ableton Live is the coolest program i've ever got my grubby little mittens on. When you start to wrap your head around it, you realise the possibilities are infinite. AWESOME ...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 15:00:00 GMT

Diving in SA

     Shark divingCurrent mood: ReflectiveCategory: Reflective Pets and AnimalsI've just got back from a mini tour of the south coast up to Umhlanga on the start of the north.The fi...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:50:00 GMT