Madonna, Robert Plant, Budda, Modest Mouse, Smashing Pumkins,Incubus,Mudvayne, micheal jackson, trent reznor, guns n roses,Johnathan Davis, A rich dude, a vampire, (2bcntd.)
Well it depends on what you call music. the dictionary definition is "the science or artof ordering tonesorsoundsin succession, in combination, and in temporal realationships to producea compostonhaving unity and continuity" or "an agreeable sound" "a musical accompaniment" "the score of a musical compositon set down on paper" "a distinctive type or category of music". and taking that into consideration isn't all sounds some type of music? and being that i like all things not being screamed so you cant understand them including opera. but even those have their exceptions like Mudvayne, occational slipnot and some operas.
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